Reporting Poachers/Infractions - Southern Chester County



May 27, 2010

I just read the thread regarding mentored youth day and the comments regarding observed infractions (poaching). Those comments motivated me to "come out of the closet".

I am a PFBC Deputy Waterways Conservation Officer (DWCO) based in southern Chester County (waters include White Clay Creeks including Middle Branch DHALO, Elk Creeks, Octoraro Reservoir, and Chambers Lake). If you would like my cell number which you may use to report poaching or other fishing or boating infractions observed on any waters in my home district please send me an email with your name and contact information and I will respond with my cell phone number.

My email address is my last name (guthrie) via email provider Comcast ( .net, not .com ).

I hope that last bit wasn't too cryptic -- apologies if I try to avoid bots skimming email addresses.
We need more WCO like you!
indeed!! takes all of us to work together and keep people on the honest side.
FWIW, I keep a list of phone numbers inside my license holder, state police, DEP, Fish and Boat, etc, just in case I ever run into anything suspect.
I saw many infractions last Sat. while taking my son out on Mentored Youth day, albiet out of your jurisdiction though.

Scott's Run lake had fishermen in boats without a child along with them and several other boats had passengers that did not have their life jackets on even though a sign was clearly posted at the boat launch.

All fisherman in boats under 16' need to WEAR life vests until April 30th.

Two separate WCO pulled into the lake parking lot and neither said anything or even issued any warning to those people.
CLSports wrote:
I saw many infractions last Sat. while taking my son out on Mentored Youth day, albiet out of your jurisdiction though.

Scott's Run lake had fishermen in boats without a child along with them and several other boats had passengers that did not have their life jackets on even though a sign was clearly posted at the boat launch.

All fisherman in boats under 16' need to WEAR life vests until April 30th.

Two separate WCO pulled into the lake parking lot and neither said anything or even issued any warning to those people.

Not to be a wise guy or make excuses for the officers but did you walk up to the WCO's and report what you saw?

In my experience, every time I have complained or reported what I assumed was a infraction to a WCO or DCNR Park Ranger, it has been acted upon.

Conversely, the times I just sat there watched and expected action, I was disappointed with the results.

Finally, I have said this a 1000 times but why doesn't the PFBC create a "Fish Watch" program modeled after the Town Watch concept?

No authority except having direct access to WCO's via cell phone or radio at the expense of the volunteer and maybe an "official" hat that lets potential perps know there are eyes in the area that will report them to law enforcement.

Screen the applicants before issuing "hats" and cell phone contact info and kick out any goofs that take matters into their own hands meaning just reporting an potential infraction.

Believe me, just being a schmo with the phone number of the regional law enforcement office has limited value when 50% of the time you just get an answering machine. I have also called 911 in certain circumstances and had them contact the WCO, but that is also hit or miss and can **** off 911 or the cops.

A Stream Watch program would be awesome.

I'd sign up in a heartbeat and I'd wear a giant rat on my hat!!!!
Why were you so bent out of shape about the life jackets? I don't think that affected anyone else but whoever decided not to wear one.
moon1284 wrote:
Why were you so bent out of shape about the life jackets? I don't think that affected anyone else but whoever decided not to wear one.

I agree, reporting poaching, or other detrimental activities is obviously warranted on all accounts. But to contact an officer over life vests seems kind of petty.
I would be much more concerned about kids falling into 45° water with no jacket than a couple fish being taken.
moon1284 wrote:
Why were you so bent out of shape about the life jackets? I don't think that affected anyone else but whoever decided not to wear one.

You are joking, I hope?
salmonoid wrote:
moon1284 wrote:
Why were you so bent out of shape about the life jackets? I don't think that affected anyone else but whoever decided not to wear one.

You are joking, I hope?

Its like a seatbelt or helmet law, let natural selection do its thing.
Why be concerned about the lack of the PFD?
Think about why the law is now in place. Too many people didn't wear them on the cold water. Result was too many deaths and the cost of rescue operations. Gets a lot of attention, so new to wear them. Next step is the current law doesn't work, so more restrictions will get put in place to protect the people that don't care. That means more laws for the rest of us that we will have to follow. It just compounds itself over time. I don't like it or agree with it, but just how Gov't works. If the current laws are enforced, then it is less likely there will be a need for more restrictive laws later.
CL...I find it hard to believe that those not wearing PFD's were not checked on by the rangers that were on scene.
I kayak fish there often and every time I have encountered a ranger I was asked to show I had one on board. (May-Oct).
Hopefully they were cited and u just did not get to see it.
I am "that guy" who never minds his own buisiness when I see an adult who is too stupid to protect a kid by putting them in a seatbelt or life vest. I ALWAYS SAY SOMETHING TO THEM!

Thanks for doing all of the great work that you do, Ranger-Ed!!!

PFD's are extremely important and perhaps one of the most important pieces of my gear. I actually spend the extra to get a decent angling life vest.
ryansheehan wrote:

Its like a seatbelt or helmet law, let natural selection do its thing.

Im all for this, but there is a difference between a child not wanting to wear a PFD and a parent being negligent and not providing one for the child. Give the kids a chance atleast.
Lets keep in mind that Deputy WCO Guthrie is a volunteer officer. He is likely a guy who has a full-time job and a family just like the rest of us. All of the time he spends patrolling the waterways is at the expense of his weekends and vacation time. So that while you and I are fishing, he is spending his free time working.
Not to be a wise guy or make excuses for the officers but did you walk up to the WCO's and report what you saw?

No. I did not. I was in a boat as well. I could have yelled over to the shore, but I thought that would be tasteless.

If it was obvious to me then it should have been more than obvious to them. They saw it and chose to do nothing.
CL...I find it hard to believe that those not wearing PFD's were not checked on by the rangers that were on scene. I kayak fish there often and every time I have encountered a ranger I was asked to show I had one on board. (May-Oct). Hopefully they were cited and u just did not get to see it.

I am not sure why you find that hard to believe. I get asked many times in my kayak for the vest and a whistle too. They were not citied or even spoken to. I can assure you.
Why were you so bent out of shape about the life jackets? I don't think that affected anyone else but whoever decided not to wear one

I was more bent out of shape about the idiots that fish without kids. It annoys me that people take advantage of that day to catch some stupid f-in stockies a week early. It is supposed to be a mentoring day. People are asses.

Let me get this straight.

If I take my 12 foot rowboat out, before April whatever, and do not wear my life jacket, but instead have it within arms reach, I can be cited?

Not that I would do that of course. I haven't used it on public waters in about 15 years, and only in the summer. But it does paint a picture.

I can see it now. I launch and seconds later some nut starts blowing a whistle and pointing at me and yelling ... he doesn't have his PFD on!

I've been thinking of buying a 16 footer, and will be sure to add a 2 inch bowsprit, just in case. LOL!



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