


New member
Jun 16, 2012
I snapped a snake guide. Ice. Went to three shops, but no dice. What's going on? Should be a simple repair, but no one wants to do it.
More profitable to sell you a new fly rod, maybe?

I agree it should be a simple repair. Heat old epoxy to remove it and threads and whatever might remain of old snake guide. Reverse the process for the new snake guide.

Maybe try to locate a local rod builder who would do it for you? I don't know anyone in the NW area of PA who builds rods, but I'm sure someone on this site does or builds them. Or give it a try yourself..
It is an easy fix.
Look for a rod builder in your area and he should be able to fix it for you. He would just cut off the broken guide and rap and epoxy a new one.
I can fix it for you if you want, I'm about 10 miles south of mercer, so I'm not too far away. pm me if ya want, be happy to help you out.
That's what's great about this site. Nice, bikerfish.
bikerfish wrote:
I can fix it for you if you want, I'm about 10 miles south of mercer, so I'm not too far away. pm me if ya want, be happy to help you out.

i've peeled off 70 year old thread wraps sealed with varnish on bamboo rods, but not epoxied down on a graphite rod.

same basic concept? cut at the space where the thread gaps over teh foot and then peel it back?
Thanks for all the constructive feedback. I'll take bikerfish up on his offer. I'll send a pm when holiday stuff cools down.

This is a great online community and a great resource.
