Renzetti Traveler vs. Peak Rotary

Just picked up a New Griffin Montana Mongoose for 170 - pumped.
You'll enjoy it.

I have the odessy cam and love it.
Matter of fact if it ever goes, I'd get another to replace it.
Congrats! Good price too.

You will not regret it. The Goose handles large steelhead hooks, and can clamp onto the tiniest midge hook you'll find.

Let us know how you like it.

Can't go wrong with a Renzetti. Have had one for 8 years. Don't need a midge jaw. I tie down to size 32 with the jaw it came and have never had a problem with the jaw crowding the hook. It is a vice for life.

there's a renzetti traveler (c-clamp) on sale at orvis for $120.
i got a peak and i've had zero problems