Renzetti Traveler vs. Peak Rotary



Jan 24, 2009
It's finally come time to replace my started vice and I have been doing extensive research on these two vices. They are both in the 140 (Peak) - 180 (Renzetti) range, which is about as high as I'm gonna go for a vice. Anyone have a ringing endorsement or a not so good experience with one of these?

Ive been leaning towards the peak just because it is cheaper and I can use that money to grab some new tying materials (haha), but I've definitely been looking more and more at the Renzette as of late.

What say you?
I've read where many are happy with either vise, but FYI, I've tied many thousands of flies with my Renzetti Traveler, from midges to bass bugs, and it works the same as the day I bought it. It was one of the best FFing related purchase I have ever made. Good luck with either vise.
Thats the way I am looking at it - this will probably be the last vice I buy for at least the next 20 years, maybe EVER - and I am thinking about ringing up the extra 50 bucks just because of the good reviews I've heard about it.
I like the traveler as well..Renzetti=great service...
I was given the Peak rotary vise by a friend who won it at a banquet several years ago and can't fault it. It appears to be the same type as the new style traveler but I have not tied on the renzetti. You can't go wrong with either one, apparently.
I recently purchased my "lifetime vise". I had planned on the Peak based on research and reviews, but when i saw it in person and worked with it - the jaws seemed big and in the way and the build quality wasn't what I was looking for. I then looked at the renzetti - and knew right away it was what I wanted (yes, it was more $$ but i don't plan on buying another vise for a long long long long long time). Better build quality, more elegant design. So far it has been a joy to use.
congrats on your purchase - you would be disappointed.
I have been tying on the Renzetti Traveler for many years and I love it. Great vise for the money. My good friend has the Peak and he really likes it also. I have tied on his vise many times and it is great but I like to smaller jaws on the Renzetti a little better I just feel I have more control over the smaller flies.
Ernie, I don't think you can go wrong with either vise, both are solid choices. I have a Peak and am very pleased with it, especially for the price. Keep in mind that either of these is a significant upgrade from the basic vises so either will be a major upgrade.

If you do end up with the Peak, definately get the midge jaws. they're ideal for smaller flies. The standard jaws work OK for smaller ties but I prefer the midge jaws. If you ever want to put it to use, let me know and you can tie a few on mine.

I still need to get you that book btw...

I have checked out the midge jaws, I would definitely pick those up eventually if I got the Peak. I think I am leaning towards the Renzetti after doing some more research on it.

I would love to get together and tie some time. We could swap then!

trowpa: Good to hear your review based on using both of them.
as a professional I have leaned to the anvil atlas, been selling them now for a year and really like them. going to get one to replace my travler this year..retail 149.00 c clamp and pedastal come with it..
I'm kinda in the same shoes as ernie. The vise is still the one i got with the $50 wasp kit i got 2 years ago. i have replaced all the tools i got with it they went down hill fast. Now she isn't holding the hooks well. Weather its a size 6 or a 22. It sucks when they slip out and move in mid ty. i know what i want the problem is C-clamp or pedistal ? What are the advantages/disadvantages of both ? The main thing i was lookin for is the ability to use the same jaws for all sizes and rotary feature to trim at different angles, not just rotary north and south but, east and west also.
Sandfly: Is there a bobbin holder that fits the anvil?
Used both Peak and the Renzetti Traveler, and now I have been turned on to the Griffin Mongoose. The Montana version (which I have) goes for about $200, but the Blackfoot goes for about $130 (both new). You could probably get them for a few bucks cheaper on ebay.

I'll never go back after using the Goose! The best vises I've tried so far.
So many options!
I have a Renzetti traveler, and it's great, does everything I ever want to do with it. If you asked me to upgrade, I wouldn't know where to start because it works fine for anything I need.

That said, I have little for comparison. I started with a cheapo sub $20 vice that I didn't like, but thats hardly in the same league.
I am really looking at the Mongoose now....
make sure you get a cam operated jaws.....
the anvils are standard 3/8 shafts so any accessories can fit.
Ive got a bid on a griffin mongoose on ebay right now - ends in 3 hours - I'll let you know the results