removing bobbin burrs



Apr 17, 2010
one of my bobbins has begun to develop a burr and keeps cutting my 8/0, any way to remove a burr?
Got some kevlar thread? Thread it through and pull about a foot out of the tip. "Helicopter" the kevlar thread around (under tension) so it rubs the inside of the bobbin tip. Takes a few seconds to smooth things out nicely.

In lieu of kevlar thread, you can use some fine steel wool, or even fine sandpaper rolled into a small tube shape.
Do yourself a favor and buy a ceramic, or ceramic lined (my personal favorite), bobin holder. I've never met a standard bobin holder that didn't break my thread. Just make sure you only use nylon thread in the ceramic bobin holders. Leave your old style bobin holders for lead, GSP, Kevlar, etc.
I can't tie with my 70 denier thread half the time because I have a crappy bobbin.

Crappy thread too. Got to upgrade a few things. I have begun to see the flaws of starter tying kits. I can deal with a POS vise, but having a crappy bobbin gets frustrating after ripping the thread on a difficult tie.