Reminder - Go vote !!!!!!!!!!



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I do not care what direction you lean: left, middle or right. Go vote. It is important and your duty.
Do you think DeSantis can win? He has been endorsed by both papers and the FOP. I think the incumbent party needs a change. I am not a city resident.
We need to clean out the bums, remember the last election we did a fairly good job, no reason at all why Shuster is still in there, remember his dad "Dirty Water" Bud.
I voted for a republican for the first time in my life today. The 'burgh needs a leader
Good, vote for the person, not the party, we really do need a third party, Ron Paul set records with his one day fundraising
Not this fly guy! Been there, done that! I'll never vote again for the rest of my life!

Everything you hear is a lie, and half you see is also a lie.

I had a much better time today, and so much better for the future, tying some neat flies with the MP3's in the background and a fine glass of chilled wine.......... that's as good as it gets, why mess with perfection?
Woolybugger wrote:
Everything you hear is a lie, and half you see is also a lie.

I won't argue you that...all the more reason to have a say. Takes 5 many buggers can you tie in 5 minutes. As long as your cool with how it turns out...I guess whatever works for you.
Good post Bruno. I agree, it is everyone's civic duty to vote. In my opinion, if you don't vote, you have absolutely NO right to whine about anything the politicians do or don't accomplish.

Pittsburgh is in serious need of change, whoever is ultimately elected, let's hope it happens. We've got a long way to go.

Do you really think that your vote counts? It's all a scam!

If you really wanted to make a change, then don't vote!

Less than half vote for the pres now, today less than a quarter vote for the local liers!

A change will come when less than 5% of the population votes! I'm for a change, I don't think things are going well these days!
You really want to give 5% the ability to make all the decisions?

I'm not going to get into this. You obviously have some odd paranoid conspiracy thing going on that I really don;t want any more part of.
Right On!! I get the day off and I vote before I hit the local streams.


What will happen when less than 5% vote??? Just curious on that one. Let me guess, we will have the Japanese build us a Robot to do the job for us. No better yet, we will be known as the United States of Exxon!
You have that right to not vote, just as I have the right to vote. I'm also for change, Polticions are like diapers, both need changed for the same reason! I vote to get that change, also gives me the right to b!tch about today's politics.


PS. Half of what I just wrote was a lie! :-D Tight Lines!!
Woolybugger wrote:

Do you really think that your vote counts? It's all a scam!

If you really wanted to make a change, then don't vote!

Less than half vote for the pres now, today less than a quarter vote for the local liers!

A change will come when less than 5% of the population votes! I'm for a change, I don't think things are going well these days!

Well, at least I agree with you on one point. Things will definitely change when less than 5% of the people vote. You do not contribute to a process, then condemn it because it has poor participation. I know a guy who waited 15 years to be a citizen, all the while taking US history courses and taking tests, just so his opinion mattered as much as any other man's. He considers it to be a great honor and endured many hardships for a right that you just throw away. I'm sorry for your lack of faith, my friend, but if you get a chance, talk to someone who has lived in Cuba, Vietnam, or the former Soviet Union. There are true injustices in this world when the common man does not have a voice. If you truly believed in change you would fight for it, not justify apathy with reform. Sorry if this comes off as a flame, as it is not. I just was hoping you realized that many men have died for our right to vote over the years and your choice isn't much of a thank you to them.

OK, I'm a little late with this but your vote can/will/may make a difference. In my little corner of the state local positions are often decided on 10-20 vote margins. I have found that on a County level my elected officials really are receptive to my input, good or bad. The bottom line is get off your butt and have a voice! So many "citizens" don't take the time to make their opinion known on critical issues. I have found that when you speak the politicians listen. You can sit on your hands and do nothing OR you can stand up and be counted.
VOTES Count, along with the internet, I think it is just possible that folks can take back the ountry, away from special interests, look at the long time incumbents who got pitched in the last election. Both partys need to dump their baggage and get honest caring folks in. Remember John Eichelberger dumped the most powerful GOP guy in the state, Jubelier, I truly think the fly fishing community had a hand in this, since Jubelier was in Beavers pocket.
Anymore it just kinda seems like that South Park episode where you can either vote for a Duoche-bag or a Turd-sandwich. It makes it very discouraging and gives a damned if you do, damned if you dont feeling.
But there is a part of me that knows it is my responsibility and I seem to get a worse feeling if I dont vote at all.
Woolybugger wrote:
Not this fly guy! Been there, done that! I'll never vote again for the rest of my life!

Everything you hear is a lie, and half you see is also a lie.

I had a much better time today, and so much better for the future, tying some neat flies with the MP3's in the background and a fine glass of chilled wine.......... that's as good as it gets, why mess with perfection?

You are wrong!!!

Get real for pete sake. Yeungling in a frosted mug is much better than wine.
The reason the political candidates seem like d-bags and turd-sandwiches is two-fold. The first reason is that people are too lazy to find out what the candidates are actually about and are more content to listen to the negative rhetoric that dominates both press coverage and political advertisements and base their opinions on that.

But the other reason is more insidious and is demonstrated and furthered by the attitude expressed above. The public officials don't represent your interests and concerns when they attain public office, because you don't help to get them elected. They come to think that raising money for dumbed-down campaign advertsing is the way to win public office and the average joe, who could influence elections by voting and encouraging others to vote, sits on his hands while the special interests spend hundreds upon thousands of dollars buying influence and helping to elect d-bags and turd-sandwiches.

The logical way to combat this is to find out what candidates have your interests at heart and get involved in helping to get them elected. If you won't even take time to vote, you certainly aren't doing anything to help to change that situation. These opt-outs are the reason we have so many public officials who do not care. The opt-outs complain about the very result they help to bring about.
flyfishermanj wrote:

I get the day off and I vote before I hit the local streams.


Shut up!!! :-D
I have never voted in my life. Biggest reason for this is I have never educated myself on the candidates enough to make a reasonable decision. I think one of the biggest problems is people voting without doing the research. Some people go out and just vote for a party rather than a politician. Do us all a favor, if you plan on voting, know who and what you are voting for.

I will be voting for president next year for the first time. My wife has talked some sense into me. I have never felt personaly affected by government untill recent years. Things change when you have a family and you look at your future in a whole new way.

I think your right Squartail, time to get rid of the Giant Douche Bags and go with Turd Sandwich. I think maybee the taco that poops ice cream should run. I'd vote for him.
In my opinion; if you don't vote- don't complain.

Yea-typical Pittsburgh. Elected the democratic party again.
(for the last 60 years) Pittsburgh is $1.5 Billion dollars in debt and have made zero headway in reducing it. That happens when your borrowing costs keep increasing. Pgh's bond rating is terrible.

Now Dan Onaroto wants to sneak in a 10%tax increase on liquior and car rentals . This is to make up for the mass transit woes. Have'nt heard from Dan in awhile wonder where he is hiding?

There are too many municipalities in PA. Too much overlay between services that could be bundled together. For example; in Florida most things are run from a county or city structure. Not every town every 5 miles having their own structure. That seems to expensive way to run things. Oh and in Florida I dont see more houses burning down or less police roaming the streets. Just as an example.

People died for you have to have a right to vote! Oh and if you don't think your vote counts. Ask your self what a hanging chad is. If you have heard of that then you know your vote is important.