Relocating to Lewistown

I need to get up to that area more than I favorite low gradient freestoner is up there and I need to brush up my limestone game. Squatch - Leb/Lanc Co. contingent road trip? I know Salmonoid wanted to make a run up there too.
Yeah I'd be down. Not til September. My August is NUTS.
I've got some Mondays off in late Sept/early Oct...spread the word.
@sasquatch: the stretch of tea creek that I was on reminded me more of a brookie stream - steep and fast flowing in most places, and very brushy. I was climbing over fallen trees and practically stepping on fish in places I didn't expect to find them! I think upstream a little of where I was it may be a little more level. Plus I'm sure you remember that I never really figured out how to read that other stream! Lol. I'll definitely be getting a lot more practice now, though.

Maybe if you guys get up here I'll be able to learn a thing or two from you about reading water.
Okay so you were on the upper end then? We started there the time I fished it (at the Jam 2 years ago). It was a bit tight back there.

Dude the other stream, I have a hard time reading that water too. It just looks all flat with no structure haha! Small streams, I can read. Medium water, not so much. I just cover the crap out of it with my fly and hope for the best!
Isn't Ol Lefty from Lewistown? Or down that way anyhow. I'd try and go with what a local tells you , those streams are written about with much ado but my favorite in that area is on east to Mifflintown exit , go right off the exit and look for what we used to call the old GUSS state park it's Fishing Creek in Mifflin county and then it's upsream till you run out of water. There is a special regs section and i'll never forget you go past a cabin with a sign that says "Rattlesnake".....some real good wild brown and brook in the headwaters. GOOD LUCK!!!
ForTea Creek try a #18 crane fly.
Jeremy: I was on Treaster Run yesterday 8/17 at 4pm. Fished the lower end of the Bald Eagle SF tract, near Strongs Improvement Rd. Water was low and clear and 60 degrees F. Yellow stoneflies #14 flying about. Caught a brook and a brown. Nice area - plenty of ff opportunities. Congrats and all the best.
If i lived in Lewistown I might be in divorce court after 3-4 months! My wife would have to bring our children down to the Juniata every evening in July, August and Sept (maybe even Oct) just to see daddy. During the colder months I would be harder to find on all the top-notch trout creeks.

So best if I not move there.

I floated the Juniata in mid-july from River-access road to PA boat ramp 6 miles downstream and had a ball! good fishing, bald eagles flying around! I hope to get a day in Sept to float same streatch again.

Have fun fishing!