Refuge Areas

I could not open the link, but think I know what you are talking about. The wired areas go back many years. The idea was that stocked trout would be put there and allowed to slowly spread out thru the stream above and below the wires. This would supposedly stretch out the length of time before all the hatchery trout were removed. From what I have been told, it wasn’t very successful, but, like many ideas based on theory and never backed up by facts, it just kept going and going. I’m glad it’s gone.
The one on Big Spring was the first 50 ft. or so below the source which back when it was a brookie gem was where most of the spawning went on , i personally would like to see that section remain closed.
me 2 osprey.
KenU wrote:
I could not open the link, but think I know what you are talking about. The wired areas go back many years. The idea was that stocked trout would be put there and allowed to slowly spread out thru the stream above and below the wires. This would supposedly stretch out the length of time before all the hatchery trout were removed. From what I have been told, it wasn’t very successful, but, like many ideas based on theory and never backed up by facts, it just kept going and going. I’m glad it’s gone.

Well if this is true they they should hav called them "Commodity Preservation Areas" or "Timed Release Stocking Areas" Not Refude Areas.

To me a refuge area is one the presents a refuge for trout struggling to stay alive in unusual cunditions. Like when it got real warm that summer a few years ago and all the trouts swam up to Elk Creek/Pine Creek and the locals were wacking them like crazy wut the F&BC didn't see any reason to stop the slaughter becuase its leagal to creel trout this time of year. Trouble is they were wild trout, coming up from the Trophy Trout section and C&R section. It was a few days/to weeks beofre the US Fish & Wildlife came in and roped the area off as a refuge area.

Just sayin'

Agree 1,000,000% with that idea. As a "conservation" organization (PFBC), that is what those designations should be used for....preservation of our wild natural resources (wild trout).

I recall when US F&W or was it DCNR (not sure) did that...thankfully they stepped in. Its really sad when our designated fisheries agency doesn't have the "you know what" to save wild trout. I guess its a matter of priorities...unnnghhhh.

Makes me sick remembering that situation.

As for poachers...its not a difficult issue. You post the signs, patrol the area occasionally and when someone is fishing there you fine them..period. The poachers will get the point.

I know..."we don't have the man power to patrol them"...

BS - the PFBC finds a way to patrol their stockie streams every spring for 30-40 days each year. This would be done at a time of year when the WCO's could shift their patrols to the "refuge areas" and not need to be focused on the ATWs. AND, I gurantee the number of refuge areas won't be nearly as numerous as the amount of water the WCO's patrol that is needed on the ATWs.

If the PFBC wants to allow for later season stocky fishing opportunities...put that stretch of water in Delayed Harvest....not "Refuge" area. Woops..that wouldn't work either...that would eliminate bait anglers. I guess they need to come up with a new name.
Trouble is after memorial day the WCO's are onthe lakes enforcing boating law.

My take on Belize:

Belize instituted that policy because a great percentage of their economic gains are due to fishing tourism. It is not applicable to PA, a state where a great percentage of the fishermen are residents. Sport fishing in PA carries the tradition of catch/keep fishing, and many anglers here have been doing things that way for their entire lives.

There's a big difference between what your average fisherman expects from the "trip of a lifetime" as opposed to your average saturday morning outing.

I don't think that the Belize model provides any insight with respect to PA fisheries management.

Interesting article, though. Thanks.

Well then the WCO can drive by a "Refuge Area" on the way to or from a lake.

Its not difficult....lame excuse IMO.
I don't knowwhen the idea was conceived, but it was lame from the beginning. It didn't work what is the sense of protecting stocked fish from harvest?
Fishidiot wrote:
I agree with Mo. This doesn't seem to make sense if, in fact, the original purpose was to protect fish during the early season. If this is a water temp issue why not close them AFTER June 15th? It wouldn't surprise me if the PFBC has received complaints from local fishermen and rod and gun clubs about these closures and they are simply trying to keep the customer happy with more trout fishing opportunities.
I'm not familiar with these waterways - they're mostly upstate and, I would guess, they're mostly tribs that run into larger
ATWs (?). I usually try to send the PFBC my comments on these sort of reg changes but if we can't discern the purpose of the reg it's hard to give 'em an honest vote.

Mike ought to be able to shed some light on this.

My thoughts exactly. There is a refuge area on Swift Creek near Poe Paddy State Park. To my knowledge this stream section is not stocked. Since the native trout are brookies, it would make more sense to make the refuge during the summer and fall. I believe C&R Fly fishing and DHALO's are a better approach.