Reflections: Paflyfish 25 Years Online

I have been on the site about 15 years . It's my favorite fly fishing site and forum. A lot of good people on here. I have become friends with some of you. You know who you are and I look forward to becoming friends with others here. Dave I want to congratulate you and all the moderators on a fine job. Hope it continues for the next 25 years. Ed
Congratulations Dave! I hope you can keep it going for all of us many more years.

I came to the site many moons ago, mostly because Dave had collected and mapped all of the special reg streams-- and also the stream reports, which any one on the internet could access. Back then the forum was rather quiet except for about 25 or 30 folks that posted, throughout any given week. Back then, when you posted, you had to post your name, whatever you wanted, each time. Like today I might be "Doubter" and Thursday I might be "YourFullofShit." It was a lot of fun for a while, but after a while it was decided to require registration and a static name, even if fictitious or fanciful. This was when the software was changed.

Since then, it has become easier to moderate.
Who here can remember this. The oldest archive of the site I could find using the Wayback Machine. I think it was on the Home Page:

The Annual Fly Fishing Jamboree

All are welcome and no reservations are required.

When is it?
The weekend before Memorial Day Weekend, being May the evening of 21rst through the morning of May 23rd.

Where is it?
We've decided to move to North to the Pine Creek Valley. We'll be camping on the banks of Pine Creek, at the mouth of Cedar Run. Slate Run is nearby and Young Woman's Creek is over in the next valley.

Where will everyone be staying?
The campground is Pettecote Junction

What is planned?
Very little, that's what we enjoy about it. We meet in the morning for coffee and in the evening for the fire circle.

Where will these be?
We've reserved the Cozy Cabin meet there to see who is around.

For more information you can email Padraic Farrell.
My trips with Paflyfish were full of great moments and learning time.
Thanks to Dave for such a thoughtful portal and remarkable way to share and enjoy life.
I’m sure we will all beat virus and again enjoy many jams with plenty of great time, fine brews (like Pabst Blue Ribbon… :-D ) over conversations until morning light. :lol:

Photo with PAFLYFISH members on steelhead trip to Crooked Creek,PA,

I have used this site for about 17-18 years, and I have seen a turnover of posters. No longer are Bill C., Ranger Keen, Padraic F., and Jeff F. among the users of the forum. rlp, Jack M., and Chaz still post occasionally, and Farmer (formerly "Big") Dave and Dave W. still post quite often.

In many ways the board has calmed down from the "old days" when there were some "spirited" discussions, which I sometimes miss and other times am embarrassed about things I posted. Late one evening during a heated discussion, Big Dave had to tell me I ought to go to bed! Dave W. had to reprimand me for bad site behavior once, too: I deserved it.

I, too, thank Dave K. and the moderators for maintaining this site and forum. It is the only website I look at nearly every day.

Wealth of friendship, knowledge, contacts, partners, pictures, stories, limits and losses. It is all here. Good for the mind and soul!

Support Pa. Fish and Game Commission!

Support Pa. Trout Unlimited!

Support you, the most important tool in the box!
Thanks, Dave and all the PAFF moderators. The site has allowed me to connect with some old friends and make some really great flyfishing buddies that I continue to enjoy sharing our passion with as every year passes. Absolutely great flyfishing forum, very well done!!
I've been here since day one. Thanks, Dave for creating a platform that has become more than just a fly fishing site. Simply put, it has contributed to the enrichment of my life.
25 years!!

Time flies when you're having fun.

Well it is only fitting that since an IUP grad invented and founded Youtube (13-14 years after we graduated) that another IUP grad would found PA Fly Fish 10 years before YouTube. You are the true trail blazer.

I really just echo the thoughts of others about what a useful site this is. The content is tremendous but what I admire the most is how cordial everyone is. This is the most friendly and accepting site I’ve ever been on. When people reach out for assistance the response is like an avalanche of support.

The forums are perfect. They cover all of the essential topics and I love the advanced search features that allow you to go back in time and catch up on a topic you missed.

I have never made a Jam since it conflicts with my annual long weekend on Kettle but I feel like I know so many people on here from posting and PMs. I am very impressed by their knowledge of the sport and the river/stream ecosystems. I’ve been engaged in the sport since I was 10 in 1974 (my father became a fly fisherman in the 50s) so I thought I’d seen it all until I joined this site. You folks are impressive.

The debt I owe to PA FlyFish is enlightening me that I need to see more of our great state. The streams reports really made me wonder what I was missing by not taking time to fish new water in Central PA, SEPA and NEPA. The friendly debates posted about “is Penn’s or Little J a better stream” made me head to both in 2018 & 2019. I hopefully will be able to repay that debt in someway through my contributions.

So Dave thanks for being the brain child and having the vision and drive to make this site a reality. You should be very proud. I also agree with you that the moderators are excellent at what they do and I appreciate their efforts in terms of content and thoughtful remarks.

This site has helped me enjoy the sport in more ways than I ever imagined.
greenghost wrote:
Thanks, Dave for creating a platform that has become more than just a fly fishing site. Simply put, it has contributed to the enrichment of my life.

What can I say other than "me too"?
I found PAFF in 2005 and have been a steady poster ever since (I was "Fishidiot" until a few years ago).

Over the years, posting on and reading PAFF has been a pleasant and consistent sort of escapism for me during difficult and challenging periods, including a combat deployment and some career bumps and challenges during good times and bad. PAFF has always been here and remains my favorite place online. To this day, I've felt little desire to expand into other forms of social media and online activities and have to push myself to look elsewhere and try new things. I keep coming back here.

It's reached the point now that I can even think of myself as a younger man back when I first engaged with this site. We long haulers have grown literally and figuratively. Some of my personal opinions on various topics related to PA FFing and angling habits and preferences have also grown and evolved over time.

I teach writing and, for me, PAFF has been an outlet for my own desire to write for an audience as well as the largest contained collection of my own thoughts. With the post counter reset multiple times I can only estimate... but I believe I've written something in the range of twenty thousand posts, most of which are multiple paragraphs, here on PAFF.

I became a moderator about a decade ago and this changed how I interacted with the site. In the ensuing years, the site has cooled and settled down, much for the better (this was not of my doing, but happened naturally). At the same time, the discussion has continued, new folks have joined; some regulars have fallen away, and the site and community has continued to thrive and remained stable in the boom and bust world of the internet.

Here's to another 25 years. Thanks Dave - it was, and continues to be, great fun.
I was passing a Barn by Leaser Lake last week and I saw an old PA Dutch barn with David Weaver lettered onto the side of it. While it reminded me of you I realized it couldn't be as there was no underscore. :-D

Next time I pass it I'll try to grab an image.

You were one of the first members I met and certainly the first to PM. I learned allot from your posts and am jealous that you are near the battlefield regularly. I strive to get there and have not managed more than a few visits.

You've all done well.

I Like Tom's videos. I like your paintings and hope all of the all of you continue on with this site.
I've been here at varying degrees of participation since pretty close to the beginning. PAFF is a fine resource not only for better knowledge and understanding of the sport but also in encouraging the social camaraderie that is so important to many fly anglers.

A hearty well done to Dave, his loyal team of mods and to each of you who by your participation make PAFF even better.
Thanks Dave for having this great site. And all the mods that keep everything and everyone in order. Does anyone have a screen shot of the original home page? I think it had a pine tree or something on it if I remember correctly. That is going way back. I look at the site almost every day and would miss it if it wasn't here. Thanks again.
Thanks all, but it is a community and well make it successful. I do enjoy hearing about all the early stories of people on the board.

Biggie I'm not sure about that screen with a pine tree, but that's why I started the thread so could hear about some of the things I forget.
Thanks Dave, Dave, Mo, Afish, and Jack. There have been many fishing forums come and go in the time that PAFF has been around. There’s no doubt, this is the best over that time. Thank you all.

Best part about PAFF is undoubtedly the friendships made because of it. I’m personally very grateful for that. Beer on me next time I see you guys.
Little did I know that finding this site back in the early days would result in friendships still here 25 years later. Online discussions, arguments, some of the early stream work projects, jams, and so many other experiences i can't remember right now all added to improve quality of life.

Many thanks Dave for this experience.

Also thanks to all those that contribute to this success.

Thanks to everyone for making this site an enjoyable place to visit.

I learned so much from so many people on this site both online and in person through the JAM and other meet ups. I'm grateful for a solid foundation to my fly fishing skills that inspired me in so many ways. Things have been so busy lately I haven't had much time to hop back on but hope to fix that in the near future. Always good to see so many familiar faces on here from when I joined 15 years ago now. Congrats on the great milestone Dave, many more to come!