Reflections: Paflyfish 25 Years Online



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Last month Paflyfish celebrated its 25th year on line. So many great stories and happenings along the way for me. I'm trying to capture and share what I can remember about it all in a few blog posts I'm releasing on the topic. I posted Part One last night if you care to read about the early years.

I have a lot to be thankful for with some great memories and connections as a result of the site. I want to thank all of you that have participated and especially the moderators. If it wasn't for the help of Maurice, Pad, Jack, Dave and Tom over the years, I'm not sure I could have pulled it off.

I'd be interested in your perspective if you care to share.

Amazing read thanks Dave!
Congratulations ,Dave. Thanks for creating a place where ,even at distance, I can keep up with this wonderful sport of fly-fishing in my "home" Pennsylvania. Over the years I've made some great friends and had some very special times at the Jams I've attended. Lots of great memories have been created and jumping on the site has become a morning ritual for me. THANKS!! GG
Thanks to everybody involved with making PAFF what it has become. I have learned a lot here over the years. Also, to quote the Grateful Dead again, "we're not the best at what we do, we're the only one's who do what we do". Thanks Dave! Rock on PAFF.
Short and sweet ... you have created a web site that is extremely useful and relevant, not easy to do these days. The pride of ownership is evident by the quality delivered daily and I hope you continue to maintain this site as "you" see fit. Thank you.
Thanks Dave and everyone else that makes this site happen!!

I don't post much, but I do really appreciate the quality content and the shared knowledge.

Congrats on the 25 years.

Thanks a lot. This site has helped me tremendously since I started 3 years ago. It is also cool to get a reminder on how difficult it was to obtain information on a topic, especially current information just 25 years ago.
I just want to thank you Dave for putting together a great site. You and the mods do a great job. This is such a good site for sharing and learning all of those things related to fly fishing Pa. That’s why you have so many great members and contributors.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you Dave. I have enjoyed the forum immensely!
ToasT, Cheers!
Thanks Dave for sponsoring This Excellent site.
It has been and continues to a great ride.
I see you had time to sample Rombauer Wines. My company sold tulips to them and My relative did inventory surveys for them. I've been there often with kids and love the port.
dkile wrote:
Last month Paflyfish celebrated its 25th year on line. So many great stories and happenings along the way for me. I'm trying to capture and share what I can remember about it all in a few blog posts I'm releasing on the topic. I posted Part One last night if you care to read about the early years.

I have a lot to be thankful for with some great memories and connections as a result of the site. I want to thank all of you that have participated and especially the moderators. If it wasn't for the help of Maurice, Pad, Jack, Dave and Tom over the years, I'm not sure I could have pulled it off.

I'd be interested in your perspective if you care to share.
Baron wrote:
I see you had time to sample Rombauer Wines. My company sold tulips to them and My relative did inventory surveys for them. I've been there often with kids and love the port.
dkile wrote:
Last month Paflyfish celebrated its 25th year on line. So many great stories and happenings along the way for me. I'm trying to capture and share what I can remember about it all in a few blog posts I'm releasing on the topic. I posted Part One last night if you care to read about the early years.

I have a lot to be thankful for with some great memories and connections as a result of the site. I want to thank all of you that have participated and especially the moderators. If it wasn't for the help of Maurice, Pad, Jack, Dave and Tom over the years, I'm not sure I could have pulled it off.

I'd be interested in your perspective if you care to share.

I'm a very big Rombauer fan. Been to the winery a few times. Excellent Chardonnay and Cab.
Congrats Dave. I wasnt there for the early years, but the site has gained me friends and played a large role towards my development as a fly fisherman. You've created something special here.
Thanks for all you and the moderators do. I’m not much of a poster but find myself reading and trying to absorb as much of the info I can on a daily basis.

This site is a gold mine of information and here’s to another 25 years.
When I was a budding fly angler, this site served as a springboard to greatly reduce the learning the curve. I've met some great people through here who are friends and fishing buddies to this day. As life has ebbed and flowed my activity level on here has seen peeks and valleys. But at the end of the day it still is THE place to find great info on fly fishing PA and everything that it encompasses.

A tip o' the hat to the moderators who keep things in check and ensure that this forum remains a constructive place to serve as one's digital hangout. That certainly is no easy task!
To dkile, moderators and everyone else who has started up this site and who helps this site run, thanks for all the efforts and work that you have done and are doing!

This site is simply awesome.

The wealth of knowledge, experience and information that anybody out there can gain from is unparalleled. I started out fly fishing eight years ago by stumbling across a special regs fly fishing only stream shortly after I began fishing to have an “inexpensive” activity to do with my 4 year old son... I ended up getting a fly rod & reel setup, two leaders, one spool of 5x tippet and about 10 flies from my brother who bought the gear but never used when I told him that I wanted to try fly fishing. I scoured the web for basic information on fly fishing and gave it a go. In my first six attempts at fly fishing, going for about four hours at a time, I only managed a few hookups but never landed one in any of those attempts.

Thankfully fly fisherman are a friendly bunch in my experience - I got a ton of help from kind strangers on the stream who must have just taken pity on me. That help coupled with the information that I learned through this site was instrumental in helping me figure out how to improve in my strategies to catch trout with flies.

This site definitely embodies the spirit of helping that I have experienced in my encounters with fly fishermen that I have met on the water.

And now learning of the evolution of how came to be is really cool. Thanks for putting this information together dkile!
Stumbled upon the site years ago while searching for 'fly fishing PA'. Glad I did even though some wish I'd never found it :-D Thanks for the second chance !

I've learned a bunch, gotten to teach some new guys and made some good friends on here. It's a good platform and not the wild west like some other forms. Thank you Dave for making it possible.

Maurice, I'm still going to win you over one of these days ;-)

Enjoy the site for the knowledge and entertainment. Not only that , I’ve probably fished with several dozen members over the years and made friends and have taken several trips near and far with members.

Hope I can make it another two 17 year cicada hatches.

Good job Dave.
A fishing buddy of mine told me about this site 20 years ago.
Been enjoying it ever since.
Have met and fished with many fine people through here!

Kudos again Dave, for making it all possible!