Reflecting on half a century of fishing at Boiling Springs and the Allenberry

Disagree, JackM, very interesting stuff on times gone by...
(Imo, the curse of social media is exactly that, pics,pics,pics, and more pics...)
I fished YB once last year, not my taste... the water smelled bad, maybe from all the ag run off. I caught a bunch of stockers of a large size, to which I thought, these fish are so big, I doubt the quality of this water would ever support them.

IDK, it made me wonder what all the hype was about ff'ing in PA, I drove a few hours, stayed one night at allenberry, but wasn't so impressed.

Going up to central PA to trout fish, did impress a bit more, but having lived in the West / Rockies, I've felt that S central PA trout fishing is over-hyped.

I struggle to find wild trout water in PA that isn't also absolutely hammered with fishing pressure. I've actually found water more to my liking in VA, albeit small fish, they are wild, and the pressure isn't lunatic.
The best fishing in Pa is not in the famous most popular areas. I live near yellow breeches, I fish nonstop, and the boiling springs area is the last place I would think of going. Pa has some hidden gems. You won’t hear ppl talking about them. Many of the waters are hard to learn without being a local who can explore the streams and get to know them. The fish are highly migratory. Trust me when I say, “as you drive to these so called pa destination streams, you’ll drive over 10 streams that make Pa a great place to fish.” The fishing in Pa is hard earned. The act of discovering is what pa fishermen are about. We discover and then we don’t talk about it.
The best fishing in Pa is not in the famous most popular areas. I live near yellow breeches, I fish nonstop, and the boiling springs area is the last place I would think of going. Pa has some hidden gems. You won’t hear ppl talking about them. Many of the waters are hard to learn without being a local who can explore the streams and get to know them. The fish are highly migratory. Trust me when I say, “as you drive to these so called pa destination streams, you’ll drive over 10 streams that make Pa a great place to fish.” The fishing in Pa is hard earned. The act of discovering is what pa fishermen are about. We discover and then we don’t talk about it.
Where I'm driving from, there's not that much really wild trout fishing that's worth the drive. It's all hatchery supported. Maybe I can find a small stream here or that that's 6 hrs away from me in NoVA... IDK if you want great wild trout fishing in an area that isn't hit hard by other folks I think you'd be hard pressed to have many good examples.