Reel seat question - Sage



Jun 7, 2013
I ended up picking up an excellent condition ZXL 5 weight from a forum member that I have been enjoying now for just about a week or so and noticed last night while fishing that my Lamson Litespeed 2 was a little loose on the reel seat of the Sage. The hardware on the rod is high quality stuff and I have seen reels loosen on lower quality stuff, but is there a reel that has a thinner foot that might fit better and still balance the rod? I was thinking a Sage 3200 or something but any suggestions are open. I may wait to see if it re-loosens, but I swear I tightened it fully when I mounted the reel on the rod. Thanks for the help.
I've only used Galvan reels on my Sage rods and I've never had an issue with a reel coming loose.
How old is your Lamson? Since the early 90's American reel companies have used an industry standard reel foot set by Ross.
If it's an older reel, call Lamson and they'll probably send you a new foot.