Redington turnaround time on rod return

acristickid wrote:
I have an Orvis that has that. But what is funny to me is that same Orvis rod does not have a hook holder. I know I could wrap the line around and hook it to a guide but I do like the hook holder though.

Paul, you got two bucks to spare?

albatross wrote:
I should loan the new rod to David for a day at the Jam so he can write a proper review...



I'd be glad to, but it might take more like a month for me to get a good "feel" for it...I promise to return it in at least good to fair condition, though ;-)
Thanks for the info, I will let everyone know with happens.
Got my rod back, replaced the tip section. Think it was about 2 weeks they had the rod.
Thanks for the update Westvleteren12.