Redington CPX 10' 5wt



Active member
May 26, 2011
All the talk of using a 10' rod finally got to me so I got something fairly inexpensive. I got it from Sierra Trading for $156 plus shipping. Thought that was pretty fair. Just put it together and it seems a little tip heavy but should work for nymphing from the boat or small streamers. I will also try it for max distance dry fly fishing. If I did my homework correctly, it is labeled as a 5 but can easily handle a 6 line.

Anyone have any experience with one of these? Any word on rod performance? I cast a 9' model that PhilC brought to the fall catskill jam and it seemed like a pretty decent weapon.
That extra foot will always show up in swing weight on a 10' rod. I think you will appreciate it in casting from toon though.
Love my 10'. Good for medium to small stream nymphing. And good for bigger water dry fly and of course nymphing. I scored a 10' 5wt TFO pro for 53$ at Bpro. Score!
I hope it works from the toon.


that is a huge score. I thought I did good but you got me on that one.
I fished a 9 foot CPX 4 weight and I think your impressions of the rod are accurate. A fast rod that will likely handle one-size up on the line. Should be a good tool for the Delaware.
FWIW.... here's a review of the rod. I used it to find Easter eggs this morning.

The finish of the rod is not bad. It's not on par with one of the big guns but it's also 1/3 the price. Least attractive part was the sticker on the butt of the rod. :) Not an option for the guy willing to buy gear made in the USA only. As mentioned earlier, the swing weight of the rod isn't great. Quite tip heavy but not so bad once I got a reel on it. I cast it with a #5 sharkskin and wasn't impressed. I'll chalk that up to the line more so than the rod. I then put on a Rio Gold #6. I don't know that I've ever dumped a full line and if I did, it was a lot of work. With the #6 line, I emptied the reel !! Fast, yes.....stupid fast like a TCX, no but I was impressed.

If you are looking for a faster action rod able to throw a pile of line, the CPX may be worth a look. It's not the lightest rod on the market and you will probably want to use one line more than the rod lists or at a very minimum use a GPX or Grand type that's a half line heavier than listed.

This will work great for bombing it off the pontoon when trout fishing, should handle heavier nymphing rigs and be a nice weapon for smallies (if I can motivate myself to fish during the hot months). I very well may get a second one in a 4 weight. The rod listed for $300 but I've found them at 50% off. Since I'm considering getting another, don't want them sold out right away. PM for details



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Had the same rod and my thoughts reflect yours. Got rid of it not because of anything other than I just had too many darn sticks. Btw... don't count it out on the erie tribs.
Just tossing it around in the yard, it does launch it. I went back to the site looking for a 4wt and they are gone! Crap.

5 weight for steelies? Not feeling that idea. I go steelheading for 2 days every 3 years and it's usually on the SR. They'd snap this thing in that current. So....... I'll make the 5 wt my main steelhead rod. I don't want to risk breaking it so.... I'll have to stop standing out in the snow fishing in water that's 33 degrees. Works for me. LOL.
i bought the 9ft 5wt and love it. When I lived in the UK the standard big water pond rod was a 10ft or 10 1/2ft 7wt, but i think technology has moved on and over here the CPX 9' #5 does the job from the tube pretty well. I got mine for about $180 i think.
I have several CPX rods (8 wt and Spey) and the entire line of rods are absolute rockets. I have yet to see one that loaded well with the prescribed line weights unless you have a ton of line out. I would recommend lining up at least one line weight for just about any CPX that you own.

Not a complaint about the rod necessarily but I wish rod manufactures would stop playing silly games like this. If the rod is an 8 weight it should be designed to throw an 8 wt line...not a 9 weight line as it's sweet spot. Just my opinion.