Redfish out of my kayak



May 27, 2015
Did some fishing for reds in South Carolina. Caught a couple on the fly rod. Here's a vid of one I made. 8 weight redington, 16 lb flouro leader and a shrimp fly. I learned sunblock only does so much. Those buffs really save your skin.
Nice video. They look like a whole lot of fun. Are Redfish very spooky? I am asking that because there continues to appear to be a lot of activity near the surface all around you even well into the fight with your Redfish. Thanks for sharing your video with us.
That looks like a lot of fun.
Awesome. Does appear to be a ton of active fish.
They are spooky but the water is muddy and being low to the water seems to help. I tried to stand up at one point and it spooked them real bad.
Long sleeves and something to cover your neck are a must when out on the water. Unless you want to get fried.
Nice video, looks like a blast!