Mar 21, 2016
After test casting 9' 5wt Scott A4, Winston Nexus, Orvis Clearwater and Recon, and Sage Pulse, my novice wife chose the Recon. Will pair it with Hydros SL reel for use on the Lackawanna, Broadhead, Bushkill, and Upper Delaware. Anyone have any line preferences for the Recon?
the recon was a great casting rod, except that I found it faster (too hard to load) at trout distances with a standard trout line. I would have suggested trying a 4 wt recon with a Rio Gold or some other such line that ISN'T 1/2 line sized up heavier. But because you already have the, I mean FIVE weight rod, match it with a FIVE weight up-sized line like a Rio Grand.

It's a fine casting, well made rod. Unfortunately, Orvis is listening to it's customers again and making a rod that feels great on a casting green and not on a trout stream besides the Yough or the Delaware.

Firing out 70-footers, while not uncommon, is the LEAST common cast i make with a fly rod. It is much more common for me to catch fish 'casting off the tip' than a booming cast out and across a flat pool with a 'gorilla' reach mend. However, last time on Penns, this is how I caught my last 5 fish. But it was with a Mid-flex 4 wt uplined to a 5 wt. I know, heresy, right?

Again, the Recon is a great rod. I think it would have been better if they made the top 1/4 or 1/3 a bit softer. But then who would buy the Helios, eh?

The Pulse is a club, again, unless you down-weight the rod. Get a 4 to cast a 5 wt. line. Somewhere between the Scott A4 being a touch heavy(can you feel 0.1 or 0.2 ounces?) and soft and the Recon being too fast is the perfect $400 fly rod.
I have the 10' 5Wt recon and initially had Rio Perception on it and did not like it one bit. Changed over to Airflo SuperDri Elite this past week and it was awesome up on the Upper D.
If your wife casted that many rods and she settled on that one I wouldn't get into the what-ifs and the how-shoulds of the rod at this point. She chose it as her first rod, it'll work. If she sticks with it then her next rod will cater to her style/preferences.

Why don't you call the shop and see what line they paired it with when she responded to it? If you're shooting in the dark, a GPX will make any rod sing. However, I do like the Ariflo Exceed, which is also weighted half a line heavier than a standard line.
The Rio Perception is a dog of a line.
I'm not getting into the whys and wherefores of her choice either, although I frankly thought she might have chosen the A4 or Nexus which, I believe, are a bit slower than the Recon or Pulse. Who knows, maybe she was swayed by the $75 of Orvis coupons she got from the 101/201 classes.
Who knows. Less is more with women!

My girl is a serious jerk because she can cast very well but couldn't care less.
Ok. We sort of got off track. Back to the subject at hand. What are your line preferences for the 9' 5wt Recon? As for the reel I'm now considering the Ross Cimmaron II as well as the Orvis Hydros SL.
Haven't heard anything great about the Hydros, though I'm sure as a trout reel it would be fine. I love my Ross Evolution LT, but it's definitely a drop away from having a problem.

If you don't want to spend a lot get an Orris Access. A real classic. If you have some extra bucks check out the Bauer RX. It has the best drag system around, from start up to range.
Most of the the reviews I've read on the Hydros SL were good to excellent. Only an occasional knock about the weight, although I'm not sure an additional 4/10ths of an ounce is significant.
I'm using a Clearwater line on my 9' 4wt Recon. No prolems for me so far. This is the second season.
Anyone ever use a Wonderline? Once the coating was gone that line sucked.
DavidFin wrote:
Anyone ever use a Wonderline? Once the coating was gone that line sucked.

That was certainly true in the original Wonderline. The one I had was shot after less than a season.

The newer Wonderlines (they're currently at generation 3) have supposedly fixed that problem. I wouldn't know. I was so turned off by the first generation that it will be a long time before I'll try another line in the series.
Yea, I was so turned off I won't consider an Orvis line.
I have the hydros sl and absolutely love it, definitely prefer it over my evolution and thats saying alot. The drag is the best I have used. I have it paired with 10 foot 4 weight helios. Ive also been very pleased with the hydros hd textured line.
Shadow is giving away free lines....(see below). Or buy one of theirs for $19.00. Walmart has line for a good price and it works perfectly fine. Why spend $70.00 or more on line when they all crack after a year or less? No line should cost more than about $20.00.
I have a Recon 6W 9'6" - that I've strung with the Orvis Hydros Bass line.... I have a place on the main stem of the Delaware near Lackawaxen, PA - and bought this rod as my main river far the rod/line combo has performed admirably. I've thrown everything from shad darts, clousers, poppers, nymphs & dries with it. Love the feel of this line.
I use Orvis Hydros 3D on my 5wt rod, first on the Orvis Hydros 9ft 5wt and now (the Hydros broke and I upgraded on warranty) on my Helios 2 5wt mid-flex (I know, but damn, it's accurate for 90% of the water I fish, and light and fun, even if it is a little weak on distance)

I am on my 4th season with that line. It has held up very well, except near the loop at the end, the coating cracked earlier this year, I put some shrink wrap on it and sealed it with aqua seal... it is still going strong. I like how limp it is, it shoots well, all that. I like it better than the Wonderline 3 that I use on my 7wt bass rod and the Cortland 444 I used on my starter rod.
I also use the 3D Hydros Trout Taper on my Helios 2 5wt tip flex. Like it a lot. I also have a spare spool with Hd Power Taper for windy conditions and longer casts on larger rivers like the Upper D. However, I'm not sure how a 1/2 over weighted line like the HD Power Taper or SA Sharkwave GPX will perform on the 5wt Recon. I just may go with the Hd Hydros Trout, its SA equivalent, or the Hd Hydros Easy mend.
Why spend $70.00 or more on line when they all crack after a year or less?

I don't know what you're doing to your lines (other than choosing to only buy the absolute cheapest) to cause them to crack within 1 season.

I'll get 3-5 seasons of honest use out of most of my good quality fly lines. Some are still going strong after 6-7.