Recommendations for fishing near Gettysburg



New member
Aug 25, 2013
Visiting Gettysburg next weekend for the first time and totally unfamiliar with the whole area. Any good fishing between there and Baltimore? Any leads or information would be sincerely appreciated.
Welcome to our online community. I live in Gettysburg and will be happy to recommend some places. In the meantime, we just had a thread on fishing around G-burg and you might care to peruse this. If you're mainly after trout, the better spots are north of G-burg. Closer to Baltimore is the Gunpowder River but this is in Maryland so you will need a license for MD rather than PA. Be aware that MD does not allow felt soles due to didymo in the Gunpowder and other waterways.

Fishing Around Gettysburg
Thanks! That thread was helpful. We may look into a guide since we are only there a short time and are unfamiliar with the whole area. Any suggestions or recommendations for a guide?
I have gone with Mike Heck. He is based out of Chambersburg and is familiar with the streams in the area. His book on spring creeks is well done and he has some killer fly patterns which are effective around here. He is on Facebook and has a web page. Gene Macri also guides and is very knowledgeable on the area spring creeks. Do a google search and they should come up.

If you are going to get a guide, I second Mike Heck. He works hard to get you into the fish. In that area you have Letort Springs, Yellow Breeches, Falling Spring Run. Hope this helps.
