Recent Rain

Here in South Jersey about 8 miles east of Philly we got less than a quarter inch.
Had a heavy downpour here last evening.
Lasted 15 - 20 minutes, then sun was back out shortly after.
Most of that ran off quickly or evaporated

Still so dry around here now, that even the weeds are dying
Raining like a SOB here in South Jersey. Started at 9:15 pm. Looks like it’s gonna be a soaker.
Had a heavy downpour here last evening.
Lasted 15 - 20 minutes, then sun was back out shortly after.
Most of that ran off quickly or evaporated

Still so dry around here now, that even the weeds are dying
3 minutes worth in Greensburg
The storms form but then dissipate except for south of me. Looks like lower part of Lancaster got some decent rain yesterday.
It took all of about 15 minutes and more is coming SHORTLY and later this afternoon.

I was ready to head out the door to go shopping when I saw the dark clouds so I talked myself out of leaving. Other things I talked myself out of once the rain started:

Going shopping at all even though one stop was supposed to be for booze​
Cooking dinner outside on the grill​
Cutting the grass (that was easy) ;)

Poor me will just have to drink & watch TV while I shuck some of fresh local sweet corn and make a salad with the local cukes, zukes & cherry tomatoes I bought yesterday from my farmer buddy down the road...

Here's to rain!!!!!!!! (y)
My wife makes an incredible summer salad. Simple and tasty. Chunk a very ripe tomato. Chunk a cucumber. Slice in some red onion and half to one whole garlic. Toss in some shredded basil. Lightly dress with red wine vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. Let sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Go lightly on the salt so that you don’t bleed out the tomatoes. If too tart a little sugar goes a long way. Add some feta when serving if you want to add some protein.