ryguyfi wrote:
Spyder20oz wrote:
Try throwing rocks at him to get him to move
A fishing friend of mine told me a story using a "spook" technique.
Fishing for steelhead he saw a LARGE undercut rock wall. He figured it went about 10 feet back. There was a large riffle slightly upstream of this. He found a large branch, stuck it in the back of the undercut, and shook it all the way up. He saw upwards of 30 steelhead come out from underneath there into the riffle. He and his 2 buddies continued to catch fish in the ripple for the next 20-30 minutes, figured the fish went back underneath, which they did, and used his technique again. He said it worked to a charm and got a small boy to catch his first steelhead by him putting the fish in the faster moving water. I have done this by walking through a hole to put fish in the riffles before and had success, or thowing rocks to scare fish out of areas I can't get to them and coming back soon after to fish where they were then laying.