Really nice PA stream map link



Sep 11, 2006
Just thought I would pull this link from boards for all to enjoy!! :lol:

I think you can take them to kinko's and print out, I am not sure how the whole copyright thing applies for personal use. I guess you just can't duplicate and sell?
Nice! Bookmarked.

[color=000000]A nice find for saving to PC for sure. Color printing is costly and these cost $6.00 at 37"x49" from PennDOT. I don't think you could get a color print that size for that cost anywhere. The Type 10 maps sure are colorful now, but it's supposed to be a highway map with every public road shown and numbered, which they used to be. I bought a bunch of these back in the day, circa 1992, by walking into the PennDOT Engineering District Office in my home town. I use 'em for locating small streams mentioned along with road numbers, like on trout stream lists and books and whatnot. The old B&W's aren't as sexy, but I wanna see those road numbers.[/color]

[color=000000]The 2007 color version-[/color]


[color=000000]The B&W old version of the same place with ALL the roads shown and numbered-[/color]

Those are really neat. I particularly like the older ones given that I'm getting older too..:)

As is natural I suppose, I went first to my ancestral turf in southcentral Erie County.

And right off the bat, I found an error.

The newest maps do not show LeBoeuf Creek entering Lake LeBoeuf, which I know it does and always has, just a little bit to the NE of the island in the middle of the lake. Instead, it shows the creek bypassing the lake and joining up with the outlet, technically also LeBoeuf Creek, although nobody there called it that.

Funny thing is, the older maps (1941 and 1923 anyway..)) have it right and show the creek exactly where it is, or at least was the week before last
Those are some cool map links. The historical maps are the most fascinating. Like RLeeP I zoomed in on the place and time I grew up. Back then it was just woods and farms for miles. Now its all suburbs with the supporting infrastructure of super stores, shopping centers, convenience stores, traffic lights and rush hour.

If you’re a real map-geek, the USGS just got their system online in September. The interface is not as slick as Yahoo or Google maps, but they have all that data and more for free download.

As far as printing goes, you can reduce a 36X48 pdf to 11X17 or even 8.5X11 on an average 2400 dpi printer using good paper. You may need a magnifying glass to read it though.
The new maps are showing the names instead of road numbers because of 911 emergency response teams. They were working on giving every road a name before September 11, but stepped it up after that dreadful day in history.

The old roadway that my Aunt and her neighbor uses to get to their homes is maybe 100 yards long. It never had a number or name until after Sept 11th. Now it is known as Eicher Lane in memory of my grandparents.
lol. I posted that on the erie board (wizzer). I meant to post it here too.

too bad MD and WV don't have those.