Really cool video



Apr 4, 2010
This is a really neat video that shows the larvae and then the appropriate fly. Very well done.
i enjoyed that - the tyes too.

what was the yellow and red nymph ?

FYI ID for bugs on the video in order of appearance:

1. Scud - Common in limestone streams. Most around our parts are a little more olive/gray colored.

2. Rhyacophila Larva - Green sedge (caddisfly). Common in PA. The green larva is a killer pattern (or a green weenie :roll:).

3. Chimarra Larva - Little Black Sedge (caddisfly). Yep, that orange colored larva turns into a little black caddis in the spring. Larva pattern is definitely worth fishing.

4.Early Brown Early Black Stonefly (various species) - Common in Pa. Fish both nymph and dry version when they are on and in the stream.

5. Isonychia nymph - Very common in PA. Nymph and dry should be in your fly box. They are broods that also hatch later in season - late summer - early fall. Very important, must have fly.

6. Ephemerella Subvaria nymph - Hendrickson! Soon / now! in many streams. Have a nymph and dry female (Light Hendrickson) and male (Dark Hendrickson).

7. Various Dace and Sculpins (baitfish). Always carry streamers to imitate native baitfish.
