Rattling Creek



Apr 18, 2013
Went up to rattling today. Was only up there an hour. Saw a bunch of fish but couldnt get any takes. Had alot of followers but no strikes. I threw buggers prince nymphs, fb pheasant tails, rs2, weenies. Any suggestions for that stream?
I'm assuming in Berks County? A Royal Wulff, it's not rocket science, it's brookies.
How dare you ask a question like that on here. Don't you know you need to have to have 7000 posts to gain the elite knowledge to know the answer to that?

Could of been tons of variables man. Water temp was low which would make them sluggish. Once a spike in the temp happened like today and such, I imagine you'd have a different outcome on the creek.

Was that too harsh of a responce? I try to help people not ridicule

drumat26 wrote:
Went up to rattling today. Was only up there an hour. Saw a bunch of fish but couldnt get any takes. Had alot of followers but no strikes. I threw buggers prince nymphs, fb pheasant tails, rs2, weenies. Any suggestions for that stream?
If it's Dauphin County of which you speak, hares ear>pheasant tail. Black WoolleyBuggers are great for early season as well as small muddlers. In a few weeks, light cahills, bwo's, sulphers and hendricksons. After that, ants, spiders and slate drakes are the meal of choice. Tan caddis are usually pretty solid as well throughout the year. If you're up for some bushwhacking, try the branches. West is stocked, but has natives as well, East is entirely natives, but gets ridiculously brushy.

Well if he would have said he started with Adams or the Wulff there wouldn't have been a need for any response at all, just call it an off day. Oh, and it truly isn't rocket science, just say'n.
It may not be rocket science, but this creek is gin clear and gets pounded hard for the first few weeks. It is generally a pretty easy creek to fish, but can get quite tough this time of year.

It was the one in dauphin co. Water was still high but clear. I'll have to spend a good solid day up there to see if i can better my luck
If they are chasing the wooly but not hitting it, I like to drop off a smaller nymph off the streamer. That often is the fly they take.
Interesting Dauphin CTY, is this stream stocked?
yep, you wouldn't like it.
Try smaller flies or slow down the presentation. You'll get em
Chaz this stream should not be stocked. Troutbert and I fished the east branch and like was mentioned after the bucketeers are gone in May the fishing can be good.