

Jan 2, 2008
How is rank determined?
By amt. of posts or
Knowledge or
You mean the stars?

I think you get them as post count climbs. Only mods get 5 stars.
You get more stars based on your number of post.
I believe you get 1 star for 20 post.
2 for 40 post
3 for 100 post
and 4 for 200 post.

Guys, you could have really messed with yea-who on this one and came up with something creative (fishing ability, professional rank, "rod" length, anything to razz him a little.
if you click on your account in the columb on da write it says rank wit de a umb empity stars next to hit. so someone with four stars can know as much as my shoe about the subject.
If you scroll up to the top where it says hello --------. your account. if you click on the link or your account it will take you to your profile where you can edit it or look at your status. on the right and side it says RANK with blank or filled stars in it. From KERN's post the stars fill up by the Amt. of posts you make. Not by the moderators choice, or knowledge or casting ability or time a member of this site. So if you ask a question i don't advise you to take the answers from a 4 star over a 1 star. You should listen to the one that has a better understandin of the subject or one that provides you with a Link to answer your question. they just fill up with the amount of posts you make. So the answers you get can be from an educated person that wants to answer your question or someone that just feels like putin up a post and give you a run around because they think there Funny. Funny how? HA Ha funny. Like a clown funny. what kind of funny? do i amuse you?(Goodfellas) So you can post what ever you want and credit for it. So if i go to every post on this site and put Yup as a reply i will have 4 stars now is that a fesable way to get those stars? no.
Ok, that's fair.

The thing is, nobody has ever put any stock in the stars before. Don't sweat it man. To be honest, I never noticed them before.
i just wanted to know if thoughts from 4's weight more than 1's. and they don't.
No, of course they don't. I don't think anyone would say they do.

Would ya look at that? You've got a star, my friend. 😛
and i don't know nothing about nothing and i just got one two posts ago well this is my 23. so i guess 20. great! look at me everybody.

The rank is based on number of posts. This is not a judgement of anyone's skill, knowledge or helpfulness only level of participation. It's built into the software, which is a generic "one size fits all" bulletin board package.

Rating a person's helpfulness is best left to the readers anyway. There are some people who might mean very well but have a drastically different approach to the sport. As an example, when casting questions come up, I often reccommend seeing a professional casting instructor whereas JF recommends going out fishing and practicising more. I imagine JF got to be the excellent fisherman he is following that advice, so I am not going to say you can't learn a lot on your own. I learned to cast by taking lessons and folks say I throw a nice line, so I'd say that you can save a lot of time and frustration my way too. But the two sets of advice are drastically different. For one reader, one of us is going to sound like a jerk. But really we are just trying to pass on what works for us.

Given that, who deserves a higher star rating? I'd hate to judge, unless I was the reader and trying to follow the advice. If the one approach made sense and worked, I'd listen to that guy the next time I had a question.
I wanna know if Jack gets all five stars to turn red when he post in the "stream reports" section? After all, he is a moderator in that section.
MKern wrote:
I wanna know if Jack gets all five stars to turn red when he post in the "stream reports" section? After all, he is a moderator in that section.

You know Jack's stance on sharing streams. He's all for it. He has the brilliant red stars because the software knows he will give all of the good information he has.
I have earned all my stars equally by asking questions and providing information, but also a good bit by arguing with Farmer Dave. In the Stream Reports, I'm still gray, however, my moderator status does give me privileges of editing posts, including my own (forever), which is why my spelling is nearly always impeccable.

I wish I had that privilege. Until then, I'll have to deal with my built in firefox spell checker. If only the damn thing would slap me on the wrist for overuse of commas and parenthetics.