Random Streamers & Fish

So were they all caught at night?
Trouter - I in no way meant that I didn't believe him lol. I just think it would suck not to have those studs fully pictured with a scenic background. Net pics are usually pretty lame and usually don't do the fish justice.
I'm only giving you a hard time. Do you remember Reuben aka Eminem from the WV Angler board? Brian does the same thing up here in PA. I agree with the photos...Reuben got that thing down pat.
Some amazing fish - thanks for the motivation NS.
I dunno I like Brian's way of leaving them in the net and water.
Then again I hardly take fish pics anymore.
IMO the risk is just too great, but that's me
Mine stay in the net until I get the set up ready, I hit the timer and lift the fish... 10 quick shutter snaps and the fish can be put back in the net or released. Most of my fish pics you will see the water dripping from the fish. But unlike you I take a lot of fish pics, I enjoy looking back a them. I haven't wet a line since November 3rd, I don't know what I would do without having my pics to get me through basketball season. One more week!

Trouter - Ole Reub is still doing his thing; he has become a world class photographer of fish.
That's crazy, I've haven't seen Trout like that for a long time.
Awesome looking streamers and awesome fish! The streamers look kinda like a mashup of a sex dungeons and drunk and disorderly - love em!
Is that a Teeney Sink Tip line? GG
Sweet ties and beautiful fish!!! NICE!!!
I tend to use RIO Streamer Tip in Intermediate, Type 3 & 6. Also Outbound Short. All of these crack and delaminate in low water temps. In order to get big streamer down in to the strike zone...the type 6 is preferred. The type 6 is also the most likely to get caught on the bottom or wrap around your feet as you strip. Wade fishing is my primary approach and a stripping basket needs to be tried at some point. One of these lines is critical to being able to cast effectively. When combined with a St. Croix Bank Robber rod you can cast with ease...at least until your fly line coating crumbles.

I'll check that out in the summer with bass. Your example photo is nice.

The alias is just that. I fish at times at sunset to after dark because of that wack daylight savings thing...afterwork mostly.

South Central PA...all over the area. Many streams.