rainbow warrior


Nov 3, 2007
Just was wondering if anyone fishes this and how it is i hear its a good fly and am wondering if i should tie some up soon.

If anyone wants the recipe go on here. Thanks.

Never heard of it. I'd imagine it would work on stockies, and I'd be curious to see how it works on eastern wild trout.
Personally, a midge is a midge is a midge...the fact that the pattern comes from Utah may also mean it may or may not be effective here in Pa. But its a simple tie...go for it and let us know.
I don't tie, but I check this topic often for new patterns, etc.

I use the rainbow warrior very often. For lack of a better description I would call it a very effective "attractor" nymph. Especially like to use it on spring creeks in cold months, but it works well from late autumn through early spring on all types of creeks.

Due to the name, it is ironic(or perhaps not) that it works very well on the wild rainbows in Big Spring.
i tye a similar pattern with holo silver or gold tinsel,except for the thorax cover which is pearl mylar.i use brown **** hackle for the tail rather than pheasant.

i've heard that some people use red or black abdomens on rainbow warriors.
It's a "Durn Purty little fly! Reminds me, of all the "American Flies" that were tied right after 09/11, in so many contests to raise money for families of victims of "The Attack".

I, agree too, makes a nice "attractor fly", since I don't think I've ever run across anything resembling it, for real, when netting or flipping over rocks!!?

Might have to tie a few, just to see how they'll work on Sea Run Cutts, since they love anything with lots of pretty sparkle and flash.

Being from Utah....... if you order a dozen, do they throw in a CD of "Donny & Marie's Greatest Hits"!?
Have had a lot of luck with it for wild browns on the Provo
in Utah. I just started using it with good results in NW NJ. I do know a fellow fly fisherman in the State College area that fish's
that pattern with success. And yes Lance ties it with a red or black abdomen.
Here in the east its called a Lighting Bug, have used it for around 5 years, Orvis has it listed also...I tie the thorax in different colors of Bunny Brite dubbing and use a gold bead for wild brooks..Its a good fly this time of year..
I’ve seen it and heard of it thru some fly shops on the Delaware River. I tied some up and have caught fish on it at the Delaware. I use it as an attractor nymph for faster/high and stained water. I tie it heavily weighted. Similar to Sandfly’s photo, I use silver mylar for the body, lite brite dubbing, and a silver bead. Be careful looking at it in the sun, it may burn a hole in the back of your retina! I don’t recall ever fishing it on other streams or rivers, but I’m sure it would work.
I was fishing today with it......Oh yea I was using a Brand new KDH 6' for a 2wt rod, great rod..
sandfly, I thought you were exclusively a fly angler. Is the fishing so tough up that way that you have to resort to minnows?
Yea jack,
been so bad I have a harness for the dog to hold my rod and then I throw a stick upstream and he goes after it..he trolls that little guy through the holes for the big ones...
Here's my version of "The Rainbow Warrior" in an 18. I didn't put a tail on it and I ribbed it with xtra small gold wire. The bead is a 3/32 nickel tungsten. No wing case either. I think she turned out pretty well considering how small everything is I usd and how fst my fingers are. I'm thinking of "borrowing" some micro surgery tools next chance I get.
Pan fried right on the stream, along with chubs and sculpins there Henry.. would you like to come up and have some..lol...
I learned that pattern from someone on the madison.
I've adapted it to pickier fish by using ice-dub in more natural colors. ice-dub still has the flash but its more subtle.
also, don't waste your time with the glass beads unless you're fishing it as a bottom fly under a beadhead.
I use both glass and brass, havn't noticed much difference as long as you use silver or gold