Rain and high waters. Worth going out?



New member
Apr 21, 2011
I've been browsing this forum throughout the winter months and learned a lot. I was unable to get out last Saturday but look to get out this coming one. I see the forecast calls for rain Friday up to an inch, with more rain on Saturday. Is it worth the time to go out Saturday? How high is too high for a creek? I really want to get out but want to know there is still the possibility to catch a fish :)
I have been fishing throughout the week in high water conditions and consisteately catching browns. I have been using 2 BB size split shot and #12 dark sulphur nymphs and #12 walts worm. Look for the seams and current breaks; they are there.
Welcome to the PAFF forums. Glad you've found this site helpful. Generally speaking, fishing in streams that have a good flow is usually an easier proposition for beginner fly fishers (FFers) than fishing streams that are low and clear. Nevertheless, many local streams right now are higher than what would be desirable and fishing starts to get tough (and wading too). Nevertheless, even with more rain in the forecast, if you can get out....get out. If you constantly wait for ideal conditions you may not get to do a lot of fishing. It might help to focus on small streams rather than the bigger ones. And of course, be careful with wading and walking down muddy stream banks.
Give it a try.
Thank you for the replies and suggestions. Hopefully I can post a reply telling of a successful trip :)
if you're throwing streamers, stop a local shop and pick up some sink tip, cut it into sections and make some loops...

this seriously was the difference for me in catching fish and not catching fish...

I had a 3 ft. section of tip, down to 3 feet of 0x with 3 b shot, and a beadhead streamer just to get down. the sink tip alone was not enough (not sure on the grain)... just chuck and duck as they say and you will catch fish.

I hate to repost pics (by no means bragging), but look at the flows in the background...


we had no problem catching fish. The scary thing is, this stream gets another dose of fish tomorrow haha. I hope it continues to f'ing downpour, because by the time the mayflies come, most will be focused on turkey hunting and graduation parties, leaving plenty of fish ready to eagerly take a dry.

Most small streams will be in OK, if not good, shape only a couple days after heavy rain. If it's been raining a lot and I've got the itch I usally throw the small stream gear in the car and cruise by some streams until I find one that has conditions that suit me.

Now's the time to fish the smaller stuff too! Caddis are starting or about to start in most areas so dry fly fishing on the smaller streams will be pretty good.


It's been rain hard here in the Hbg area all night and this AM, look for more high water.

Good luck!
