Quitty or other options for tomorrow

I didn't know. Don't care. I am telling you that there are landowner problems related to pressure from fishermen and many carrying fly rods. Some problems due to destruction of property and some just due to numbers of people. Social media player a role I am guessing. As it has on Spring. Little Juniata and Penn's etc. Call it whatever you want and perhaps I am completely wrong but the crowds are getting to be a problem. Again just one older fellows take.
My guess is the kind angler who trespasses to fish for monster hatchery escapees after a flood isn't the kind of angler who spends $30 on that book either. There's a lot of local knowledge that drives these behaviors.
Right Swattie. Most probably local. I am not out there much anymore. Probably fished his place ten or more yrs ago. Going by what he said.
Also, though the KFF book seems to list a lot of potential access points, keep in mind most of those streets are in the town of Myerstown, and they're like a block apart. It's not much open water to fish. Most of it's posted guys.

Use Google Maps street view to look at the areas downstream of Myerstown where it crosses or is near a road. Posted signs.
Ive fished just about every section of the upper tully. Including all 3 fishing clubs. It is worth it.
Wild fish and holdover fish. By now they really spread out but they are there.

Access is spotty though.

I still say this creek would make a good DH section in the middle.
Swattie, when we added that stretch through town to the stocking program not too long ago the only posting in Myerstown was at a restored mill or some similar property located at the lower end of the densely developed part of town, but upstream from the park adjacent to Lakeside Quarry. Are you saying that there is now more posting between that mill/historical property and the park by Rt 501?

As far as “not much water to fish,” is concerned, did you consider that in an upstream direction it is stocked to a township park above Myerstown and in a downstream direction it is or had been stocked to the first unnamed trib below Flannery Rd? It seems like lots of water to fish and I have caught wild BT down to the lower stocking limit in the past.

Regarding a DH area, I don’t know what Sal means by “the middle.”....
the middle between the two stocked sections or the middle with respect to the total length from the headwaters to the backwaters of Blue Marsh Lake.
Mike - No. The water I used to fish is in that township park on the upstream end of Myerstown. The water through town was not posted the last time I was there (2015-ish), but I was never wild about fishing right through town. You get a little above that park, or a little below Myerstown though, and much of the stream is posted. I believe it was posted previous to the addition of the relatively new stocked stretch through town, and assume it still is.
From town downstream past the club and hatchery, past the rod and gun club. Nice water there. Downstream a ways to somewhere around mill creek maybe.

The tully upthere holds over fish very well
I know thats a long stretch. I know some is posted.
Im just saying if possible , it would make an excellent dh
I have caught wild brown as far down as probably .5 miles downstream of lake side quarry.

Ive caught them in town and also just upstream in various locks.

Shame to hear sinkholes being a problem again.

Guys thanks for sharing a lot of this information. I do respect posted signs, it still seems to be plenty of water for me to explore on a quick evening outing. I'm 15-20 minutes from Myerstown so to me it seems worth the trip to try something different.

About the only time I share an actual fishing location is in the stream reports section.

Lark - I fish middle creek a lot and I get what your saying about people just not treating the property right. I fish Middle Creek a lot and some of the behavior I see at the Lincoln road access point makes me feel like I need to send a thank you letter to the land owner. Some of the things people do on other peoples land is just mind bending, disgusting, and disrespectful.

I talked to the Amish farmer downstream from Lincoln Road. He has a pump close to the creek. Super nice guy and I thanked him for keeping the stream open an for keeping a nice riparian buffer on his land.
I have caught a number of wild browns on the Tully.