Quill Gordon Dries - Throw Them Away

I believe the troutnut is on crack.

He takes artistic impressionistic pictures of these bugs. Lights them so they look wonderful but not like the naturals.

QGs don't have slate/dun wings...that is why the immitition calls for Wood duck.

I've looked at those pictures a thousand times and I still do not believe it. I'm not an entomologist so take it for what it is worth.

When the bug in my picture comes off in April, I use a guill Gordon dry and it looks nothing like the troutnuts pics.

I still like swingin a Hares Ear wet in front of their snoots just to make 'em mad. BAM! :-D
flyman wrote:
... On Troutnut they get down to microscopic examination of the mayfly penis to ID species of the same genus and we have a hard time ID'ing flies of different genus.

Shouldn't the site be called Bugnuts?
Maurice the banded legs give your fly in your picture away, it is a March Brown, sure your QG pattern may work, but it is a March Brown. But you are right QG have mottled wings, not always obvious though. I think some of the photos bandied about have been Blue Quills or Blue duns. All of these bugs hatch at this time of the year.