Quick question about furled leaders?



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dear Board,

I have furled leader that was given to me that I have never tried. It has a loop at the tippet end. Do I only need to add a looped section of tippet material or must I add a couple sections of taper?

Prompt help would be greatly appreciated, I'm fixing to go fishing this morning and figured I'd try it out.


Tim Murphy :)
TimMurphy wrote:
Dear Board,

I have furled leader that was given to me that I have never tried. It has a loop at the tippet end. Do I only need to add a looped section of tippet material or must I add a couple sections of taper?

Prompt help would be greatly appreciated, I'm fixing to go fishing this morning and figured I'd try it out.


Tim Murphy :)

Hey Tim,

I'm not sure how long the furled leader is, but you can tie on a 3-5' tippet section directly to the furled leader if you wish. For nymphing you can grease up the furled leader and you can watch the end of it instead of using an indy or fasten your indy to the tippet material.

If you want to lengthen the leader, you can tie in heavier mono and taper down to your tippet (good for fishing dries to fussy fish). 3x > 4x > 5x tippet (you get the idea).

Works either way.

Good luck feeshing...post a report.
Dear afishinado,

Glad I caught you still at the keyboard. That's pretty much what I figured. The base leader is 60" long so I figure a foot of 4X and 24-30 inches of 5X should work OK.

I'm assuming regular old fly floatant will work for leader grease, like Cortland DAB or some other paste type?

Thanks for the help,

Tim Murphy :)
TimMurphy wrote:
Dear afishinado,

Glad I caught you still at the keyboard. That's pretty much what I figured. The base leader is 60" long so I figure a foot of 4X and 24-30 inches of 5X should work OK.

I'm assuming regular old fly floatant will work for leader grease, like Cortland DAB or some other paste type?

Thanks for the help,

Tim Murphy :)

Yup Tim, I like Mucilin green, but any old grease should work.

Good luck.

you're gonna be on a furled leader kick for awhile... I got bit last year. Better than nightfall of diamonds... na, jk ;)

stevehalupka wrote:
you're gonna be on a furled leader kick for awhile... I got bit last year. Better than nightfall of diamonds... na, jk ;)

I keep meaning to get into it, but if it's in the ballpark of nightfall of diamonds then I need to get busy.

Dab will work wonders, I usually just sort of smear whatever was left on my hand up the leader and then back down. The downside is it'll spin like a mother while you do it.

Its funny, but I went from no clue and misusing extruded to furled, and have just jumped to knotted mono and think its more flexible.
Dear Board,

Well the furled leader worked fine but I didn't get to test it on any fish. It held up nice to a couple of snags though. I put it on a reel I use a lot on a couple of different rods figuring I'll never have to remember what size tippet I have on it? We'll see how that works over time.

Man was Clarks ever cold, 40 degrees at 12:00 noon. I missed one fish on a pheasant tail and didn't move anything else in an hour and half. I couldn't even get a fish to halfway roll on a streamer.

It will be warmer soon enough.


Tim Murphy :)
I love furled leaders. Right now I am using one that was furled from fluorocarbon but most of mine are UNI-thread.

For streamers and nymphs I usually tie in 2' of 4lb fluorocarbon, for dries i will add another 18" of 2lb fluoro.

Fished Clarks yesterday from 3-6, saw few fish, had one hit on a streamer.

Sorry to hear that the fishing wasn't so good. Better luck next time.
