Question for Winstonites?

My 905-4 Z is very capable of turning over a #26 midge at 50-70 ft. I think there are better options--something medium/medium fast for fishing in closer but the Z is incredibly capable IMHO and really shines with accuracy with longer distances. I haven't found anything yet this rod isn't capable of doing with some adjustment of course. I suppose you may be able to say this about most rods though.
Do you often find yourself needing to fish size 26 flies at 70 feet?
well the way i see it fishing a size 26 midge at 70' requires a dry fly infront of it for visibility so ........ my question to you is ..........How does it cast a say size UM 12 stimulator with a midge behind it ?...
Tough crowd around the holidays. The point was not to create "controversy" but rather to say that the rod is capable of doing so and to illustrate that it's a versitile rod. One capable of throwing large streamers down to small drys. Period.

I don't find myself doing this often--if ever since, especially not for stocked fish on PA streams. The point was to illustrate versatility. Probably 4 casts at a rising trout on a spring creek with water on top that looked as smooth as glass. The rod at that point had never really been fished, so there was some experimental aspect to attempting to do so in order to see what he rod is capable of doing. Spring Creek fishing in Wisconsin is much different than what I am used to fishing PA freestoners. I'd imagine similar to PA spring creeks in some aspects, although I am far from an expert on those.
Spring Creek fishing in Wisconsin is much different than what I am used to fishing PA freestoners. I'd imagine similar to PA spring creeks in some aspects, although I am far from an expert on those.

You have a bit of experience in WI spring creeks? They have really peaked my interest as they do appear to be quite similar to PA limestone spring creeks.
I have limited experience thus far with WI streams--maybe 10-12 days on the water in 2 trips and X# of hours of research on techniques. I expect to be adding more time each year.
are the acsents or vapors any good? there's some building kits on e-bay for under $150. both are not really the traditional green sticks, go my guess is true wistonites don't care for them.
I too wouldn't mind branching out from loomis or sage rods. T&T is another rod I'd like to try out.
skiltonian wrote:
are the acsents or vapors any good?

NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! They are God awful. Seriously. Lots of problems with breakage and poor gloss finish that cracks on the ferrule wraps etc. There are a lot better blanks out there.
I have a few Winston BIIx and BIIIx 4 weights. I bought the BIIIx this year in 8'6" (4) weight and believe its one of the greatest rods made. The BIIx in the same weight and length is also great but the BIIIx is a bit stiffer in the butt section which equals more casting power with less effort. I would not hesitate a BIIIx purchase. Plenty of power and you can cast dries and weighted flies with this rod all day long. The 8'0 Winston BIIx is also a gem for smaller dry fly work.

Well I had the opportunity to play with the Biiix in a 9 ft 4 wt over the weekend and loved it. I think it'll be a great dry fly rod that can also handle small nymph work and some streamer work. I broke down and got one. Figured i'd post this here given that I was the OP in this thread.