Question about 10 Mile Row/Crew Member

In the process of switching jobs, so i gotta see what time opens up to me. Ice on the lakes still, anyhow.

Ill let you know!
Before June it's a waste of time, unless you can get to the river at ice out. But you cannot paddle the lake before ice out. That area of Maine is known for large brookies. When it was first fished the big brookies were 10 to 12 pounds.
DavidFin wrote;

Let me rephrase: it exists, but the legend of 20" brook trout in it may or may not be true.

I am taking such a trip to an unnamed river on May 15 for a week of larger brook trout than I have ever before caught. No paddling involved though. I have pictures but was told if I ever posted them anywhere the friendship would be only a memory.