Putting out feelers for possible get togethers spring / summer / fall

I guess I'm the only one that likes the idea of a WW trip... Something different besides a trout-trip would be a nice twist to what the site is used to. Last years "Carpin' Jam" was a good idea. Some kind of jam in the summer on a good lake or river supporting WW species would be lots of fun. The only problem is boats in a lake if needed...
I'd be down for a Lehigh Trip as well. Would love to get more familiar with it.
I'm also down w/ a WW trip. Heck, I'm open to a lot of stuff if it's close to home and I don't have anything else happening on said day!
Hell I can lend out all three of my toons if you let me in your damn hardbody. Lol
I can help coordinate a Lehigh jam. It would be cool to get groups together and try to cover most of the trout water (which is a long way). Looking at the fishing releases May 7 is looking good. I also have an extra 1 man toon as well.

I would definitely be interested in something like that. Just have to get my toon back from the catskills.
You take the reigns on the Lehigh. You're much more familiar with it than I am.
Phil,Can the Lehigh be fished from a kayak in the areas you are considering. Never rowed a toon, and have not done much moving water from my yak.

Also would be interested in WW, moving or still. Had mentioned to dc410 about the large carp in Hopewell lake, but don't know the best time of year to go for 'em.
Yak is fine.
Did this fall through for the spring or just on hold until after the jamboree?
Willowemoc, Neversink, Beaverkill in my book for May, I'm not sure if I can make to Schoharie, Hunter region, (I use to ski there) very curious about DeBruce area access. Some fishing plans depends from water releases and local motels/lodging.
Well, I left it up to Phil to organize the Lehigh get together. Never saw anything posted and I believe they did something this past Saturday.

Catskill spring JAM? Not likely though we will have several guys getting together up there. There's an issue with lodging and you would have had this book a room 6-8 weeks ago. May be better off shooting for a summer / late summer function.

Warm water Jam? Absolutely. Due to special bass regs, we'll need to shoot for a date after June 18th. Open to suggestions and location. Preliminary venue is either lower Juniata or Susky near Liverpool.

Heading up Thursday if anyone is going to around. Just going to wade around and see what I can get into.
Myself, DaveS, Fishwagen, Mkerr, BigBass and Cosmic Frank got together at the Capra in Hancock to fish 5-21-16 to TBD by conditions. Dropping flows, sky high air temps and little dam release came into play after just a day or two. We had to alter where and when we fished. Some nights, we didn't get back to the room and start the grill until 1am. Bluebird skies didn't help as it pushed the hatches to first light or after dark. We had tan caddis, olives, march browns, olive caddis, green drakes, spotty hendricksons (still), sulphurs, cahill or some steno variety. Don't forget.....midge and cranefly swarms of epic proportions. Turn on your headlamp and you'd regret it in seconds. LOL. For those that made their first trip up with us last fall, that was a difficulty level of 4 out of 10. This last trip up, the difficulty got ratcheted up to 9 out of 10. You got a little taste of how unkind the fishery can be. With that said, we found fish every day and sometimes, all day.

Highlights: Getting stopped by National Park Service and Mkerr hand netting a lamprey in shallow riffle. Shad were EVERYWHERE by the thousands. It's just a shame that the lack of release and near record temps cut the trip short. Water became to warm to fish.

NEXT UP.......... Warm Water Jam on Juniata or Susky. Looking for late June to mid July timeframe. Sound off if interested.


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few more pics

NEXT UP.......... Warm Water Jam on Juniata or Susky. Looking for late June to mid July timeframe. Sound off if interested.


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I'm in for the warm water float. My frame is in and I am ready to put it to use. I would love to get to know the Juniata. It is only and hour and a half from home. Does Saturday June 25th work?
I'm in depending on date
We're do for a WW jam. Might want to start a separate thread.
Ok, I'll start a new thread but need some dates thrown at me for the title. Bass opens on 6-18 but that's also the date for the Heritage Days at Boiling Springs.

June 25, July 9 or July 16 ??? Any other suggested dates? Susky or Juniata? Depending on flows, wading way be limited and it may be a floating only event. I could start anywhere between 5am and noon. There's a couple of floats that come to mind and they vary greatly in length. We could also push it back and try to intercept the white fly but if conditions are like last year, the longer you wait....the heavier the algae bloom was which reduced visibility in some areas to 6" or so Sound off and we'll get a new thread running.