Public Fly Ties



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
I figured instead of making tons of threads, like i usually do, to post pictures and or recipes of your latest ties, might as well try to do it all in one organized thread.

Caddis larve and just a nymph i guess
Good idea, except the load time will get out of hand after a while.
Mute :

What is the body material on the first fly ?
I'm guessing olive latex.
First one is caddis green nymph stretch skin, second one is colored latex
They both look like they could pass for caddis. Nice flies, but how many different patterns do you tie? Everytime I look you have new flies. That's so awesome, I only tie like 10 different patterns.
I can't answer for mute but I tie about a million different patterns.

In all reality, I often (like this time of year) sit at my desk and will tie 20 flies no two the same and all brand new. I bet I have 100 flies sitting on my desk top. Most of them will never make it to a fly box, let alone streamside, let alone in the water. But you never know, I could find some outstanding pattern and fish can't resist, which I have a few of my personal patterns that have bumped out a traditional patterns and now have a permanate spot in my downs box.

I like to tinker and try and create a new realistic, but durable patterns that I can possible use. Some reach this goal, some do not. One thing I am sure of is that they will all catch trout (at least brook trout; which is where a lot of them will end up)
try doing it for a livin, always comin up with new ones..some work some don't.if I posted them they would fill this
How many patterns/flies do you tie ???? I was talking about this with a friend the otherday. My co-workers husband started flyfishing last year. I tie flies and bring a couple in and give them to my co-worker to give to her husband. I filled his boxes this year and I am glad I did it. He has caught trout on my flies. I give flies to a couple of other guys as well.

I do it for a couple of reasons: I like them, I tie way to many flies, and when I tie a new patterns, I use them as guinea pigs. These guys being fishermen Like to tell you stories. If they catch trout on the flies you gave them they will tell you about it. If the "new" patterns don't work for them I quit tying them.
sandfly wote: "try doing it for a livin, always comin up with new ones..some work some don't.if I posted them they would fill this"

Yea sandy, but you get to stick them in the bins and someoen will buy them - so you get rid of them and make money in the process. I'm stuck with all mine. And when the desk gets too cluttered, I end up elbowing them onto the carpet. So once a week I have to get down there and dig em out.
How comes it's always the good flies I tie that get stuck in the carpet, but the crappy ones stay on the desk? The world may never know.
I have to get myself some of that nymph stretch skin and latex...where did u get it at? Most of the time I'm not too impressed with anyone's ties but thats because I hold my patterns to very high standards and rarely share them lol. I'm secretitive when it comes to my ties ;) but I'm definitely impressed with how the body looks in that first one. I am greedy lol I love to see whats in everyone elses boxes but rarely will I show someone else what I have.
You greedy sob..
That's okay BigJohn, when I mention that I stick flies in the downs box I say this on purpose. Cause when I meet someone who knows about some of my effective secret patterns and where I keep them they always ask for a peek. Not to be a jerk, I always show. Well after showing some of my prized ties, and handing a few out I got deceptive. So I still tell let people see in the downs box, but they have no idea that I carry 2 small fly boxes in my side pouchs ---- till now!

Whenever I fish a tricky creek (spring, fishing) I almost never open my downs box, all of my flies come from my side pouches.
old ties
You guys are pulling our leg. You hide your secret flies from curious anglers?-- too much. Stop all the kidding, my sides are hurting.
For stock I have around 600 different flies plus what I tie custom and for myself :-o :-o last year the count was somewhere near 3,000. :cool:

Matt i give a lot away when I'm makin a new pattern.. 2 new ones-----------
Sandflea go back and check your post
WHY ??
I even get paranoid sometimes when I snap off in a tree and it gives someone else the chance of retreiving my flies. Some patterns I have no problem showing off but then I have my secret flies that I just hate to share. I don't even have a visible fly patch on my vest so that the flies I used lately can't be seen by others. If someone is a catch and release angler I sometimes will show a secret fly or two but if I know they are keeping the fish or have a tendency to keep fish I will definitely be stingy in the information I give or the flies I show. lol yeah I'm paranoid and a sob when it comes to protecting my fish and flies!
You weren't kidding!? I say this with the best of intentions-- I believe you are seriously overestimating the power of your secret flies. But, keep in mind, I have no idea what I am talking about 99.9% of the time.