Protecting Valley Creek - VFTU [wins settlement]

Were they just seeking action in the matter? If so, my opinion will surely change.
Nice work!

Can someone from VFTU PM me with info on...
How to transfer my affiliation from an inactive chapter to VF?
How to donate directly to VFTU?
Basically the township is in a zero taxes mode and the creek can become a sewer. They begrudge their cops and teachers a living wage. Litigation is the only course.
Mikesl - you can email me at . I am a VFTU member.

CLSports - The direction taken by VFTU was not taken lightly. We wanted plans put in action for dealing with future sewer breaks. Their will be more, that force main is in bad shape. As for the money a portion of the DEP fine will go to design a streambank stabilization plan for the lower part of the stream where it is sorely needed. More funding will be needed and will come thru various grant programs. For me the best part of this is the establishment of timelines for action to be taken to prevent the dumping of raw sewage into Valley every time that line breaks. This Chapter has been around for over 30 years and as far as I know VFTU has been in litigation one time and this would have been the second but we never got there....DEP settled the argument before we had our chance. In my mind, I hoped for this type of settlement and was glad to avoid the courtroom. I'd be happy to explain more if you want to contact me let me know and I'll give you a call.
This thread is temporarily locked and will be merged with the Valley Forge TU Settlement Thread currently in the General Forum.

Eventually the two will merge in holy matrimony and reside in the Conservation Forum where they will live happily ever after.
Great news. Three cheers for VFTU and Judge Jacqueline Cody.