Problem with my new rod photos

KeithS wrote:
You should let MSO know there was a problem with the rod and that Orvis is handling it.

Im giving them a call in about 10 minutes. I had planned to let them know.

Im glad, actually, that Orvis handled it they way the did "so far" because it proved to me "so far" that they have good customer service.

Another good point about it is that I called and spoke to a human after the second ring. I spoke with 2 people and both were reasonable and helpful "so far"..

I say so far because its not over yet. My rod is somewhere between Perkasie, PA and Manchester, VT a mere 280 mile journey. 5 to 6 hours by car or 48 hours + by USPS.... I jest
fishiowa wrote:
I know your not happy about the $13 out of pocket cost. But, another way to look at it is your going to get a newer model for $13 more. You may end up with a heck of a bargain for $153. Depends on what rod they send you.

Yes I thought that to and I bet if I really persisted with Orvis, they would have done something about it. I'm not that kind of person though. I just want wrongs to be righted. The model upgrade "not in hand yet" is an added bonus that softens the blow of the whole situation.

I really liked the rod and if I thought i could have went back to MSO and simple exchanged it for a new one I would have waited until today to do anything. but Like i said this was the last of the Clearwater II she had. Im not sure they (MSO) have the leeway to do more than a simple exchange.

Also time and fuel. I only live a little over 11 miles from MSO so my gas sucking vehicle would use a gallon round trip to there's $4.

I'm not going to nickle and dime it. Its the principle of things that gets me. In a week this will all be in the past. Hopefully, I can share a positive Orvis customer service story with someone else facing an unknown with them.

that's what I was thinking. bug spray, exposure to gasoline, paint thinners, etc.
whatever the cause, I'm sure orvis will make right.
No bug spray. No dope.. nothing
I'd have taken it to daves personally. They should have swapped it out and dealt with orvis. I know orvis would make it good.

Orvis doesnt want retailers becoming a middle man as far as warranty, only sales. If the retailer returns an Orvis product thats defective, the retailer has to eat it.

The store would have probably sent it out for you free of charge.
Thats more like it.

Yep your exactly right. I called the shop where I bought it and they said I should have brought it to them and it would have been completely handled by them i.e. shipping it to Orvis.
They also expressed to me that this should not have happened to an Orvis rod and it was likely a fluke (not the parasitic flat worm).

I'm glad I handled it though. My reason is this. I know this had absolutely nothing to do with the shop that sold it. It was a manufacturing issue. With me in charge of this operation, I can apply pressure where it's needed: otherwise I'm a bystander.

Also I really want to restate that this had nothing to do with what I did. If I had been careless, I would have been forthright about it. I have the highest integrity for myself and my expectations sometimes to a fault.

I may have come across as more of an ignoramus when I asked if this is normal or did I do something wrong. My query was to ensure that I didn't overlook something like a protective wrap that needed to be removed prior to use: a manufacturer specific possibility. My initial reaction was controlled outrage and uncertainty of the unknown. The unknown being how will this be rectified without draining my wallet anymore and being rodless (I made that word up) for an extend period of time. ect.ect.

With that said, I am sitting here waiting for a delivery from UPS from Orvis. I'll follow up when it gets here.
what rod are they upgrading you too
The same version just this years model "supposedly"
I bought last years clearwater II which is blue. The replacement is this years clearwater which is green.

The upgrade is nice but its not as important as having a defect free rod. If they send the same thing back it will work for me at this point. I just want to catch fish today with my new cutthroat furled leader.
Ok I was sent the same rod a clearwater II blue. I was told something different. That is my fault.

I can file this away under lesson learned.
Pauly wrote:
Now I paid more than what the rod is worth. That is my fault. Lesson learned.

Maybe, but only marginally so. If the initial rod would have cost $153 instead of $140, would you still have purchased it? If the answer is yes, then you haven't really paid more than the rod is worth, to you anyway. Realistically, I'd be surprised if $13 would make a difference if that's the rod you tried and wanted. Unless you were looking to sell it or turn a profit on it while brand new, once you've used it, its value is now less than retail anyway...kinda like a car. Most of a fly rod's "value" is simply its use and enjoyment to the angler who owns it IMO. Sure some rods become collector items, etc, but a $150 rod that you intend to fish with...probably not.

Overall it sounds like a pretty good customer service experience to me. Bummer you got a defective rod (and had to pay to ship it per the warranty), but Orvis took care of you NQA and did so promptly IMO. New rod in hand in less than a week during prime Spring fishing season. I'd be happy with my purchase. Beyond a fly box that was a gift, I don't think I own any Orvis products, but I'd be satisfied with the way they handled this.

I had a Sony TV blow an LCD panel at 15 months of use...warranty was 12 months. Sony gave me the new (and better) model for only the difference in price ($200 or so). I wasn't happy that one of their TV's crapped out at only 15 months, but in the end I'm now even more confident in their products because if they do make a mistake...they'll own up to it and make it right.
All good points, Yes I did not pay the exact same price as this years model. I'm not getting into semantics over it. I guess I have to admit I was excited to have the upgrade. So I'm a bit let down. I called Orvis to confirm that's what I was told they confirmed that's what was supposed to happen. oh well.

I didn't mention this before but I have to replace my fly line because it has the epoxy on it.

Its all part of life's lessons in not putting such stock in material things.

I have my rod back it works and no animals were harmed while making this movie!
When I suggested contacting Mainstream Outfiters,I did not mean for the store to handle anything FOR you.
I work with warranty issues all day and i appreciate knowing what our customers ( the end users) are experiencing. It was only meant to inform the shop.
I worked at MSO and they are very good at taking care of customers. Should have taken it to them, As long as orvis has the same rod yet it will replace it first then upgrade when that rod is no longer in warehouse..
sandfly wrote:
I worked at MSO and they are very good at taking care of customers. Should have taken it to them, As long as orvis has the same rod yet it will replace it first then upgrade when that rod is no longer in warehouse..

Yep.. I was to impatient. I'm heading there today as a matter of fact.

By the way my replacement rod id great. I'm happy again!