Problem with my new rod photos



Apr 8, 2012
I just picked up this rod on Friday. I used it each day and tonight I noticed this. The tape (????) around the rod guides and at the ends where the sections connect have turned white and are sticky. When touched the white stuff pulls and moves and comes off.

It is a Orvis Clearwater II 7'6"-3wt purchased from Mainstream outfitters (Daves sporting center) in Doylestown.

Is this normal??



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Iwould say that is not normal at all. Orvis backs their rods good. I would take it back to the place that you purchased it.
RonB wrote:
Iwould say that is not normal at all. Orvis backs their rods good. I would take it back to the place that you purchased it.

I didn't think so.. Im really not happy. I hope they make good on this and don't make me ship this thing since Its only 3 days old. Now I just read the warranty on the orvis site. For a "nominal $30 fee they will repair the rod. I really hope I don't have to go that route since I paid $140 for it 3 days ago.
I just purchased a Orvis Clearwater II a month or two ago and it has done nothing like that. It appears to me that the finish over the wraps on the guides never cured properly
Does anyone think i should have to pay $30 to get it repaired?
Call Orvis. I would be shocked if they didn't warrant it without cost to you, since you only owned it 3 days with an apparent manufacturing defect.
outsider wrote:
Call Orvis. I would be shocked if they didn't warrant it without cost to you, since you only owned it 3 days with an apparent manufacturing defect.

Ok I agree. I hope I can get this resolved through Mainstream outfitters (Daves sporting center) in Doylestown since its brand new. We'll see, no reason to worry I'm sure it will all work out. If i have to send it to orvis, it could take 3 to 6 weeks to get it back.
pm sent
Let me clarify one thing before I make any calls. My rod did go under the water today when i was fishing. I had the rod between my legs while taking a photo of a sunfish. So more than 3/4 of the rod went under. Would getting the rod wet like this cause such problems? Did I make a mistake?
shoud make no diference at all. Rods get wet. looking at picture is speculative, but by your accounts, it look likes poorly make wraps, AKA a manufacturig defect.
shoud make no diference at all. Rods get wet. looking at picture is speculative, but by your accounts, it look likes poorly make wraps, AKA a manufacturig defect.
by Pauly on 2012/4/15 21:43:47 Let me clarify one thing before I make any calls. My rod did go under the water today when i was fishing. I had the rod between my legs while taking a photo of a sunfish. So more than 3/4 of the rod went under. Would getting the rod wet like this cause such problems? Did I make a mistake?

If your not getting it wet your not fishing. I lost a custom Fenwick rod in the river once for 5 months till water levels receded. When I found the rod it was dirty but in perfect condition. Don't you dare pay a penny for a replacement. Make sure you let us know how you make out.
Yeah I just checked on it. The sealant is not white any more but it is sticky. The rod sections are sticking to my clear coat maple work bench. I bought Orvis thinking I was moving up in the world.
Monday 8:07am. Called orvis and explained the defect and my concerns about paying $30 for repair fee and being without a rod for 3 to 6 weeks.

They replied that the problem is not typical and would wave the $30 fee. Also, they would overnight a new replacement rod a newer model once they received my rod. Or they would send one now if I really needed it. I told them to ship the rod once they get mine and can verify the problem I explained.

So I mailed the rod at 9:02 am via USPS priority mail which should be there on Wednesday.

So far I am satisfied with Orvis's and how they are taking care of this. I'm not so happy with the $13 out of pocket shipping charge; however, I am willing to deal with it since a trip to the mainstream outfitters would have taken up fuel and time: besides their not open on Monday. And I already have a good answer so far!

I will update this just so we can all see the actual outcome.
I'd have taken it to daves personally. They should have swapped it out and dealt with orvis. I know orvis would make it good. They get hosed on people treating their waders like loaners to be sent back after years of service. Looked to me like it was a bad epoxy mix. I've screwed up proportions coating wraps and had to take it off as they would not harden up.
Have never done business with MSO but you should have taken the rod back to them. My guess is they would have replaced it on the spot and dealt with Orvis.

many on this board gone on and on about the customer service level of small shops, lifetime warranties, etc. Yours is the exact case where the local shop would replace a brand new rod with this type of defect, no questions asked.
Yes I thought about taking it back to MSO but they were not open on Monday and as Homer Simson put it "I'm mad now" Also they only had one Clearwater II which is what I purchased. I don't think they would upgrade me to a newer rod but I could be wrong. They may well have refunded me then I would have no rod. So now I get to give them the benefit of the doubt. We'll see how it all ends though.
The store would have probably sent it out for you free of charge. I broke my 8wt clearwater a year or 2 ago and had excellent service. Within a week my rod was back at the shop waiting for me. They also gave me a loaner rod for my last day of the trip i was there.
You should let MSO know there was a problem with the rod and that Orvis is handling it.
I know your not happy about the $13 out of pocket cost. But, another way to look at it is your going to get a newer model for $13 more. You may end up with a heck of a bargain for $153. Depends on what rod they send you.