I just saw that one of the camps on the upper Kettle Creek is for sale. I don't know anything else about it. Just thought if someone was looking they might like to know.
Not seeing it ... PM link if you wouldn't mind.Snow Brook. Good size place on two acres in a great location, and the price is realistic. If I were younger and had a mate who didn't mind being in the middle of nowhere, I'd consider it.
I'd love to, but not being tech savvy, I can't send links. Just Google the RE agent that rhymes with willow and type in the location - Rausch Road in Galeton, Pa. That should get you there.Not seeing it ... PM link if you wouldn't mind.
That's not the one I saw. The one I saw listed had a sign Snow Brook hanging above the front steps. And bigger than the one you shared.If it's this one, the zero bath thing may be a dealbreaker for the women in my family. Still a good deal for a place on 2 acres.
Dear Rainier42,Not seeing it ... PM link if you wouldn't mind.
Link or PM me if you wouldn't mind.Im selling mine right by Pine creek. 160,000 furnished with bathroom 3 bedroom. 2 car garage, etc
I havn't posted it official yet, more that welcome to come see it. also selling my fly shop too.Link or PM me if you wouldn't mind.