Price Raise for PA Fishing Licenses

afishinado wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
afishinado wrote:
I don't believe it is reasonable to expect anyone or any company or organization to go ten years without a price increase to cover the increase in costs.

I hear complaints from anglers about stocking cuts (in stream without wild trout), not enough enforcement, not enough public areas leased or purchased for fishing, not enough maintenance of launches, not enough surveys, not enough stream conservation projects....blah, blah, blah.

What exactly would those that want to see no increase or a smaller after a ten year price freeze expect to do? Every year there will be less of all above.

Like I posted, the proposed increase ends up costing a resident trout angler an average of $1.12 / year for the ten year period of no increase. A DOLLAR AND TWELVE CENTS PER YEAR. Close to the cost of a pack of gum purchased at WaWa or Sheetz in a year.

I believe more people are concerned about the raise in the cost of the trout stamp. I don't remember if they have raised the cost of the stamp in the last ten years. But an almost 100% raise in the cost of the stamp is ridiculous, considering that we won't see a increase in any of the services from the PFBC. With the amount of the projected increases the main goal with this raise is obviously to get themselves out of the red, not to increase services .

You have to get "out of the red" (pay your bills) before you can increase services. And the reason they are in the red, is costs increased without a revenue increase (trout stamp cost) for ten years.

Hey, I'm all for less money spent on stocking trout in this state. But the stark reality is many anglers buy licenses to fish for stocked trout. Also, the expenditures of the Commish should in some way reflect the desires of those that fund the programs...the anglers that buy the licenses. We (the fly guys) are a small minority.

Remember, the revenue generated by the trout stamp doesn't even come close to covering all the stocking costs and expenses. A higher trout stamp fee will make the share paid by non-trout anglers a little less and little more fair for those anglers.

Hey Freddie...just buy one less whopper and fries at BK during the year....and you're even!!

The money itself is not a big deal Tommy . Its more about the principle
. I don't want to be charged more money for a Whopper and flies while you continue to shrink the size of my portions while not giving me better service
Fredrick wrote:
afishinado wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
afishinado wrote:
I don't believe it is reasonable to expect anyone or any company or organization to go ten years without a price increase to cover the increase in costs.

I hear complaints from anglers about stocking cuts (in stream without wild trout), not enough enforcement, not enough public areas leased or purchased for fishing, not enough maintenance of launches, not enough surveys, not enough stream conservation projects....blah, blah, blah.

What exactly would those that want to see no increase or a smaller after a ten year price freeze expect to do? Every year there will be less of all above.

Like I posted, the proposed increase ends up costing a resident trout angler an average of $1.12 / year for the ten year period of no increase. A DOLLAR AND TWELVE CENTS PER YEAR. Close to the cost of a pack of gum purchased at WaWa or Sheetz in a year.

I believe more people are concerned about the raise in the cost of the trout stamp. I don't remember if they have raised the cost of the stamp in the last ten years. But an almost 100% raise in the cost of the stamp is ridiculous, considering that we won't see a increase in any of the services from the PFBC. With the amount of the projected increases the main goal with this raise is obviously to get themselves out of the red, not to increase services .

You have to get "out of the red" (pay your bills) before you can increase services. And the reason they are in the red, is costs increased without a revenue increase (trout stamp cost) for ten years.

Hey, I'm all for less money spent on stocking trout in this state. But the stark reality is many anglers buy licenses to fish for stocked trout. Also, the expenditures of the Commish should in some way reflect the desires of those that fund the programs...the anglers that buy the licenses. We (the fly guys) are a small minority.

Remember, the revenue generated by the trout stamp doesn't even come close to covering all the stocking costs and expenses. A higher trout stamp fee will make the share paid by non-trout anglers a little less and little more fair for those anglers.

Hey Freddie...just buy one less whopper and fries at BK during the year....and you're even!!

The money itself is not a big deal Tommy . Its more about the principle
. I don't want to be charged more money for a Whopper and flies while you continue to shrink the size of my portions while not giving me better service

After 10 years of never getting even a penny of a raise even though all your expenses increase every year. You have cut all your spending to bone but still fall into debt.

The Warden calls you in the office and says, "Hey Fred, I'm giving you a 2% raise this year, but I expect a lot more work out of you to justify it!".........nice, huh?

If BK kept the price of the Whopper the same for ten years and absorbed all the increased costs (of meat, bread, sauce, veggies, utilities, wages, etc) for ten years, they would have no choice but to cut down on the portion and cut service just to stay even..or go out of bidness. No free lunch. If costs go up 2 or 3% a year and you charge the same price, something has to be cut.

I read a comment directly for the Commish that stocking trout costs every angler $16 to $17. Charging $8 for a trout stamp doesn't cut it anymore. Anglers that don't even fish for trout are footing close to half the bill for stocking.

Let's face it, the best way to keep things in line is the cover cost increases every year. A 50 or 60 cent automatic raise every year of the general license and trout stamp would cover cost increases and not be a burden on anyone. The Pollies in Hburg will have none of that logic. They are in a tizzy out there right now about the State Budget and can't even agree to disagree.


The proposed raise should not confront any of us here, but will cause a severe drop-off in early April license and permit sales, which will also translate into an overall drop in sales, particularly the trout permit. This could be viewed as a good thing, because it should consequently result in less stocking, which seems to be a popular outcome among the subset of anglers on here. For those on a tough budget, start saving $5 a month and you'll be covered. That's less than a pack of smokes, and you'll save your lungs by reducing smoking by less than one cig a day.
Whose the genuis in Harrisburg who added the quarter? $31.25

It's 2015, you round up to the nearest dollar!
Maybe their getting ready for the PA Minimum Wage to increase to $15.00/hr.

But, I doubt they would think that in advance!!
acristickid wrote:
Whose the genuis in Harrisburg who added the quarter? $31.25

Well, it wasn't proformance, or it would have been .99.

How's that one, Norm?