Presentation to spooky browns

People judge how "good" of a fishermen you are in many ways. Many measure it as technique. If two fishermen are presented with the same exact circumstance, who is more successful? And I agree, that's part of it.

But WHERE AND WHEN plays a great deal in separating the successful from the unsuccessful. Some of that is luck. But a lot of it is KNOWING where and when, and that's what makes a consistently successful fisherman. In tough situation, where an average fisherman catches 1 and a good fisherman catches 2, the "better" fisherman knew it'd be slow there on that day and went to a place that would fish better.

Setting yourself up for success is a skill in my eyes. And once you have the physical skills to at least be in the game, IMO, it becomes perhaps the most important skill.
+1 to what pcray said. I'm a poor technical fly fisherman, especially on larger waters (unless it's just stripping or swinging streamers - which isn't that hard). Most of my fish catching is the result of homework...studying maps and finding access to remote unpressured streams, analyzing weather and radar data and how it relates to flows, locating hatches...finding the best possible stream conditions given the circumstances. That's how I catch my fish. Certainly not by being the stealthiest, having the most accurate cast, or getting the best drifts. I catch the easy fish...I've just become relatively skilled at finding them given a certain set of conditions.

For example...I've gotten skunked on the stream in question in this thread every time I've fished it, except one...when the water was up and off color...and I did very well that day.
Longer leader, get the fly well in front of the rise. Down or down and across will help you get the fly to the fish first. Longer leader will aide you in getting drag free drift. More importantly, I'm interested in this "upstream penetration" that you mentioned in the first post. No wonder I can't keep a girlfriend. LMAO
Nobody wants any part of that one, eh? :-D. LMAO
Naw, I saw that, was going to make the obligatory "Viagra" joke, but its was just a tap in, so I picked up my ball and moved on.