Prepping for Spring


New member
Aug 13, 2024
State College
Hey all!

I'm looking forward to some warmer weather and are starting to tie with that as the focus. Being my first spring in PA, I'm wanting to fill out my boxes in preparation. I have been tying some sucker spawn eggs the past few days since I am hearing that is a thing around here which wasn't something I had tied before albeit a little low brow. Loading up on greenie weenies and black elk hair caddis are on my to do list for soon as well. All three of these patterns are patterns I had not used before over my years.

This got me thinking. Anyone have any other specific patterns or suggestions on what to tie up that might be useful in PA? I have loads of Waltz Worms, hares ears, sowbugs and PT nymphs. Just wondering if there is anything else I shouldn't be without for the upcoming warmer months.
Sky Blue's PA Hatch Chart

Site sponsor Sky Blue Outfitters has a PA hatch chart that covers the main hatches. Don't forget about the brood XIV cicadas coming this year.
If I were to sit down and tie tomorrow for the next 3-4 months- it would be (in order of increasing time to get done) salmon roe and peach colored eggstacy eggs, black colored France flies, some kind of BWO nymph (WD-40 comes to mind), BWO smokejumpers or another CDC emerger, caddis pupa/peeking caddis, olive Walt’s and sexy Walt’s, GTI caddis, a CDC and elk spent caddis in Grannom colors, some Hendrickson emergers and duns, and some good heavy 3.8 and 4.6 Pats Rubber legs in coffee and golden stone colors.

Combine these with your pheasant tails and hares ear variants in size 10-20- and you should be able to handle anything that PA throws at you
If I were to sit down and tie tomorrow for the next 3-4 months- it would be (in order of increasing time to get done) salmon roe and peach colored eggstacy eggs, black colored France flies, some kind of BWO nymph (WD-40 comes to mind), BWO smokejumpers or another CDC emerger, caddis pupa/peeking caddis, olive Walt’s and sexy Walt’s, GTI caddis, a CDC and elk spent caddis in Grannom colors, some Hendrickson emergers and duns, and some good heavy 3.8 and 4.6 Pats Rubber legs in coffee and golden stone colors.

Combine these with your pheasant tails and hares ear variants in size 10-20- and you should be able to handle anything that PA throws at you
This is a really solid list and what I was hoping for. Few of these weren't even on my radar. Thank you!

Do love me some WD-40s when spring comes tho! Are Pats used pretty commonly around here? I feel like I haven't heard as much about big stoneflies in PA.