Pre-Spawn Smallmouths - 2012


Active member
Sep 9, 2006
With river conditions here in mid state at good levels and with warm water, I'll predict that the pre-spawn SMB season is going to take off any day now. Although I have not chased SMBs this winter, I was muskie fishing a couple weeks ago on a local creek and a young fellow with spin gear showed me pics of some very nice bass he'd caught that afternoon on tubes. Water temp was 46 or 47. Unbelievable for mid Feb!
I usually start looking for bass in my favorite early season spots around March 10th or so. It wouldn't surprise me if the pre-spawn bite has already started this year. We're looking at some big precip tomorrow but, unless the rivers really blow out and see considerable drops in temps.....I think it's time to start the bass season. 🙂
The pre-spawn is on. I hear there's muskies being caught also.
FI, what types of areas would you target for this? Same as post-spawn? I have never fished for smb this early in the year.
Great post in the link. Thanks. I will give it a try this weekend. Supposed to be in the low 60s on Saturday.
Muskies are absolutely being "nailed" at Marsh Creek Lake at the moment and the Falmouth area on the river is also producing some fish. A friend just landed a 38 incher last week while jigging for walleye with 6 lb test mono. A fortunate and skilled catch.
I was hoping to get out and do some smallie fishing this week, but i've been so damn busy with work and here in the northwest part of the state we have got slammed with rain. So i'm keeping my fingers crossed for thursday.
What a time for me to be waiting for my smallmouth/large trout rod to be repaired. Blah!

Oh well, always the summer.
Curiously, the times I've been out for bass this month, the results have not been what I've expected. Usually, river SMBs will lay up in the same pools every year in the pre-spawn. This year, perhaps due to warmer water temps, I haven't found bass in my favorite spots. They are hitting well elsewhere and I recently got into a nice combination of big fish from a different eddy where I usually expect to find fish in summer.
Anyway - they're hot right now but check some multiple spots. At least for me, that's been the key this year.
Pre-Spawn has not hit on the NB Suskie in BradCo yet. Water temp is not 45-50F yet. Was out today and temp was 38-41F. Hit all the "usual" pre-spawn areas with no hook-ups. Then jetted back down the river to the "winter holes". I found them still all schooled up. Caught 15 with a sinking line and #2/0 E. H. Bucktail streamers fished on a dead drift.

Up here... pre-spawn in about 2 weeks... I'm guesstimating the 1st week of April. By Northern Tier Trout Opening Day the bass will be in full on spawn. Which is good... the bait slingers will leave 'em alone to molest the trout instead!
I was going to go out this past week, but as usual all the rivers and big creeks were flooded So i went for trout instead. I gotta work tomorow, but i'm planning on either the Allegheny or Redbank on sunday, will post a report .
I spent the day on the allegheny. I can't believe how alive the river is for this time of year! I didn't catch any smallies, but found a school of tailing carp and played with them for a while. Lost a bruiser. It was a great day to be on the water.
Went to the Coniedoguinet and they were everywhere, Hooked into a large one and he spit the hook, But it was a good day. May be heading out tomorrow if weather permits.
Had a blast with the smallies today. It was crazy, fishing in 80 degree weather. I seriously considered wet wading.
Omg I need to get out again and hit some of these bass. I'm going crazy here.
Noticeable difference in action between today and last weds. I had 3 landed fish in 2.5 hours and 2 nice ones get off on me. The water was a lil heavier flow than Im used to, but it was still a good time. All strikes were so hard. My biggest was a 14" and it was a pig. It had such a huge stomach and there was half a crayfish in its mouth! I made sure to handle him gently so he didnt hurl his buffet. The thing probably had 8 crayfish in him.

Black and white clouser in sz 4 has been the money fly.
Lol, yea all of the ones i have been catching have been chubby dudes and they hit my flies with a sense of purpose. I've been using a crayfish design of my own and they have just been smashing it! I'm off tomorow so i'll be out enjoying another nice day.