Pre-Spawn Smallies: It's Game Time

raftman wrote:
Just an idea.... what about a smallie jam at some point this year? Maybe on the Susky? I know a good float we could do if we had canoes and kayaks....

A smalle jam is always a good idea!
Considering all the options in the spring for trout etc, a river smallie jam is probably best suited for mid to late summer. Summer flows are best for folks with canoes and yaks as well.

We have had SMB float trip jams before on the lower J and North Branch in past years...but we're due for a WW jam again this year.

One of our forum regulars is currently giving the issue some serious thought for the middle Juniata. There's also a possible muskie jam in the works for later this year too.

Let's stand by for awhile.
If a bass jam doesn't come together by springtime, let's continue to discuss. In the meantime, we'll keep an eye on the Events and Meet-Ups forum for announced jams.
Let's stand by for awhile.
Let's stand by for awhile.
If a bass jam doesn't come together by springtime, let's continue to discuss. In the meantime, we'll keep an eye on the Events and Meet-Ups forum for announced jams.

Awesome! Sounds good. Yeah, I was thinking maybe in early August when the Susky gets low... it can be a lot of fun to float, even for newbies.