Pre-Spawn Bass Fishing - Right Around the Corner

What water temperature do you like to start chasing smallmouth?
42 F is the magic number in my mind. However, if the weather is nice and the water temps are lower, go for it anyway. It's more important that the water temp be trending upward rather than downward. Also, if it's sunny, don't overlook shallow river eddies - the sun will warm the dark bottom and bass will move up and sit in these warm spots.
Tried the Swatara from the around the Swatara Park off Union Deposit Road. Nothing! Three guys out, 2 bank fishing slow side split below the dam and another fishing the Hersheypark side of the dam. Many black stone flies hatching. They look huge when buzzing on the water and in the air. Makes me think a black bivisible with grizzly hackle would be a good imitation.
I do great on a Mr. Wiggley's. That's all I use, mainly, when I'm fishing top. I just haven't had the need to fish a gurgler. I think my buddy does. I'll have to check to see If I have any gurglers.
Tried the Swatara from the around the Swatara Park off Union Deposit Road. Nothing! Three guys out, 2 bank fishing slow side split below the dam and another fishing the Hersheypark side of the dam. Many black stone flies hatching. They look huge when buzzing on the water and in the air. Makes me think a black bivisible with grizzly hackle would be a good imitation.
You will see some of the most spectacular hatches of little stones this time of year when out chasing smallies. In my experience, however, early season bass are not looking up and I rarely see surface feeding during these hatches (sometimes the fallfish will get on 'em).

However, these stonefly hatches do get the attention of trout, including some big ones on larger rivers. I always have a few stone fly patterns in my bass box this time of year in case a shot at a trout appears.