Powell Pre 2002 10ft 5wt fly rod



Active member
May 17, 2009
This is why I love this forum. I put up a post that I was looking for a 10ft5wt fly rod for my trip this June to the WB UDel. CathyG was nice enought to send me a PM that she saw this Powell on ebay. Opening bid was $75 and my bid for $78 held for a good 2 days or so until thurs/friday when another guy/girl started jacking the bid up. I got it for $235.00 late Friday. Prof says I paid too much as you can buy a TFO Lefty Kreigh brand new for $195.00. The Powell is 10 years old and "gently used" but was the last Powell series to be made in the USA as the rods are now made in China. Your thoughts as to whether the Prof is right would be appreciated even though the purchase is a done deal. Here are the pics from Ebay.



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I was wondering if you got it. When I researched it the price 10 years ago was about $500. It got great reviews.

I went ahead and bought a Cortland 5 wt 10' that I can't really afford. In my defense I already have a reel and line for it
If you're heading up to the WB of the Del let me know, I'm not far from there.
CathyG wrote:
I went ahead and bought a Cortland 5 wt 10' that I can't really afford. In my defense I already have a reel and line for it.

Do we really need to defened our purchases for something we are passionate about...............I hope not or I'll be in constant defense mode. :)
Do we really need to defened our purchases for something we are passionate about...............I hope not or I'll be in constant defense mode

If I don't make myself feel guilty sometimes I would go way overboard on spending.

Besides my guilt benefits others. When I think I have too much stuff that I really don't need I sell at a great price or give stuff away.

Everybody wins.

Since I bought the Cortland I may be unloading another rod to offset it. It will be cheap. Problem is I can't decide which one(2 weight or 6 weight).
CathyG wrote:
When I think I have too much stuff that I really don't need I sell at a great price or give stuff away.

I've seen the results of your generosity firsthand. A tip of my cap for being such a nice person. This world could use more people like you - you're golden in my book.

CathyG wrote:
I was wondering if you got it. When I researched it the price 10 years ago was about $500. It got great reviews.

Hmmm Cathy if it cost $500 in 2002 that would mean it would be worth $637.00 in todays dollars according to the inflation calculator!!! I will PM you about NY. The Prof and I rent a house in Deposit right on the river.

Hmmm Cathy if it cost $500 in 2002 that would mean it would be worth $637.00 in todays dollars according to the inflation calculator!!!

Even though the rod is 10 years old I think you got a good deal. Sure there is newer technology but that rod is top of the line.

I have a circa late 90s Diamondback All American which is probably the rod I can cast better than any other even though some of my other rods cost several times what I paid for it used.

That is why its a good idea to try before you buy. Someday I may take my own advice on that. There's a few rods I wouldn't have bought.
I will keep my fingers crossed on my purchase. Will post a follow up.
fadeaway263 wrote:
CathyG wrote:
I was wondering if you got it. When I researched it the price 10 years ago was about $500. It got great reviews.

Hmmm Cathy if it cost $500 in 2002 that would mean it would be worth $637.00 in todays dollars according to the inflation calculator!!! I will PM you about NY. The Prof and I rent a house in Deposit right on the river.

Not so much

Since you asked... Yes you over paid

Obviously, lawyers have no understanding of economics!!!!!
Ramcatt wrote:
fadeaway263 wrote:
CathyG wrote:
I was wondering if you got it. When I researched it the price 10 years ago was about $500. It got great reviews.

Hmmm Cathy if it cost $500 in 2002 that would mean it would be worth $637.00 in todays dollars according to the inflation calculator!!! I will PM you about NY. The Prof and I rent a house in Deposit right on the river.

Not so much

Since you asked... Yes you over paid

So what do you think its worth? I thought for a Powell, $235 wasn't too bad. I can imagine the TFO has the butt of a carp rod.
Maurice wrote:

So what do you think its worth? I thought for a Powell, $235 wasn't too bad. I can imagine the TFO has the butt of a carp rod.

Maurice... feel free to fill in the gaps...

what do i think its worth? about $100
but i wouldn't buy a 10-15 yr old rod
let alone a 10-15yr old 10' 5wt
or any 10' 5wt

that rod is a post Chico, schwab rod
I've heard to horror stories of the "fake" Powell's.. essp the LGAs

sure there are the collectables powells
but this isn't one of them

at best its an old heavy graf rod... pre the 10' tapers of todays euro- fad
at worst its a sloppy ebay liquidation rod

for $235 10' 5wt?

200- used power matrix
250- used beulah 4/5 switch

ramcatt... you are big on telling us about your "research" without actually providing us with any means to fact check your research. I will just await the arrival of the rod and if its a clunker I will be the first to post it and admit it. As for the Profs comments about lawyers not understanding economics all i can say in response is as a lawyer I make enough $$$$ that if I make a mistake it will not kill me! I hasten to ad that I work hard enough to earn those$$$ and share the wealth any time that I can.
PS I wrote the seller and asked him where he fished the Powell and here is what I find to be a great and reassuring response:

"My wife and I fished it on the Yakima in Washington. We caught some nice wild rainbows on it. We both have rods we use more than this one, mainly out of habit. We haven't made the time to get to know this one so that's why we sold it. No rod or person should go unfished for too long. It's a great rod and we hope you get to fish it often.
All the best XXX and XXX
Fade, you should start fishing the salt with Fredrico. When you decide to start, I have a awesome Scott A3 9ft 9wt you can purchase from me.
Yes Fred keeps bugging me on this but he usually wants to fish "the salt" right when I think it's prime time for autumn fishing here in SEPA.
Got the Powell. Am very happy with its casting as far as my back yard goes. Real trial in a few weeks when we hit the UD. Will give a report then.