Potter/Tioga Stream levels



New member
Jan 10, 2013
For the guys from that area did this rain help the creeks at all in the area . Planning on making a trip up to camp outside wellsboro this weekend if levels are good
I've been up a couple of weeks. It rained a lot Saturday night/Sunday here but streams didn't come up much. It did help keep them where they were. They are still at good levels for fishing. Cooler weather this week should help too.
I fished a couple of Kettle Creek tribs on Sat, and they were very low. As low as I've seen them. Water was a chilly 56F though. You would think they'd be warmer. Oh yea, we need rain. :-D
I just got back. Been there all week. Streams are in fantastic condition. Got a hard rain Sunday afternoon (terrible driving up), and then just enough showers and downpours throughout the week to keep things absolutely wonderful all week.

And apparently most everyone drives to that area to fish the special reg areas...as every pull-off had 10 trucks and guys fishing elbow-to-elbow. My dad and I only saw 2 other guys on one of the stretches of Kettle we fished (who, by the way, tried to high-hole us the whole way between Oleona and the Rt 44 bridge...why would you even try to fish that stretch when you KNOW there are 2 guys already working it? What, the several dozen other miles of open water wasn't enough for you guys?), but that was the worst day we had anyway, as temps dropped down into the 30s the night before (they had frost in Coudersport), so no big loss.
That behavior seems to be getting more common. On Penn's last month I had two people start fishing within 40 feet of where I was when there was no one upstream or downstream within 200 yards of me previously. Run was at least 100 yards long but had to fish close enough so my backcasts could hit them. Same thing happened on Spring Creek where 3 guys all started fishing the same 30 yard run where I was already fishing with water upstream for 75 yards and downstream for 100 yards empty. Fishing etiquette so poor that it amazed me and left me speechless.
To be fair, these guys weren't close enough to hit w/ a cast. But they were close enough that we caught up w/ them...and that's too close in my book haha! OH well. We could move our beat just as easily as they could, and we did!
Was on Kettle today and water is very low. Water temp a few miles below Cross Fork was up to 72 degrees. Too warm to fish until we get significant rain. Rain forecast for last night never materialized.
I've only fished 3 streams so far this year, but each of them were as low as I've ever seen them, but still cold. This was NC and NE Pa.