Potter County recommendations?

Don't forget the Allegheny on Rt44. There's a sign that marks where it trickles out of a farmer's field. From there it's only a short distance before you hit the Delayed harvest section. There's a big complex that used to be run by the Regis family on the left. You can pull in there and park. The Allegheny along this stretch is a challenging, extremely productive piece of water. The challenge is that it's pretty narrow, so stealth is in order. During the DHALO season it's loaded with large feisty trout.
Thanks Coughlin, that's on my list of streams to try when I go back. It's amazing to see it up there and compare it to what it becomes in my area! The two guys that were staying where I was fished it the two days that I was there. It's a long drive from where we were staying...
Coughlin wrote:
Don't forget the Allegheny on Rt44. There's a sign that marks where it trickles out of a farmer's field. From there it's only a short distance before you hit the Delayed harvest section. There's a big complex that used to be run by the Regis family on the left. You can pull in there and park. The Allegheny along this stretch is a challenging, extremely productive piece of water. The challenge is that it's pretty narrow, so stealth is in order. During the DHALO season it's loaded with large feisty trout.

Okay I'm an idiot. I drove up 44 one morning this week and could not find the DHALO section!
Based on the county map on the PFBC website, the DHALO stretch on the Allegheny starts just above where Rt 44 and Rt 49 split off from each other.
Yeah I was up that way, didn't see it. Honestly, I have no cell phone and I was w/out the net all week (no webz at the cabin), so I was kind of blind batting it.
After looking at the DHALO section on google earth, I had a hard time figuring out where anyone would park if they wanted to fish that section.