Posting Pictures



Aug 10, 2013
Berks/Tioga County
I'm using my phone for most of my access to paflyfish and I can't ever seem to post pictures from my phone onto my posts. Please help! Thanks!
Pictures are limited to 150Kb in size for forum posts. Most modern smartphones will take photos that are 50x larger than that. You'll need to either find an app to create smaller sized versions of your photos or upload them to a photo sharing website and link/embed the images.

If you're trying to upload to the photo album on PAFF, the size is 500Kb, which is still much smaller than the average smartphone will take.
I upload my photos to Photobucket, then use the Direct Link to embed them into posts.
If you are using Windows one used to be able to go to File Manager and select the files(s) then on the "email" option. Don't worry, you are not going to email them. Once you select the pictures it asks you for the size you want the new files to be.

Hope this helps.