posting photos


Nov 4, 2006
how do I post a photo?
My photo files are bigger than 1000k do I need to make them smaller? how?
I is puterly challenged :lol:
Almost every digitial camera comes with some kind of editing software. Look at the disk that came with your camera. You shuld be able to , at least, crop and resize with that software. I use photoshop so that probably won't help you. I would think windows comes with some kind of pic editing program.

By reducing the physical dimentions you can lower the size that they save as... sorry i'm just kind of thinking outloud now, good luck,

Somone helpful will be along shortly.
You need some type of image editing software. Usually, there is a menu item to "resample" or "resize" which allows you to make the image smaller. A smaller (dimensions) sized image will also be smaller in kB size.

The other option is instead of uploading the file to the paflyfish server, which has the 1000kb limit, you can upload to a filesharing server and then post the image url sandwiched between "
" (without quotations). The best filesharing site for being able to direct link images would be this one

After uploading, it gives you a link to the file. Then touch that link and when the image loads, copy the url from the address bar and sandwich it in between the HTML codes I showed you above.

Here's an example:

I use windows paint program there is a icon that says stretch and skew fiddle with that until it gets the right size......Good Luck :lol:
I could be wrong, but I believe that if the image is jpeg and a couple others, the site allows extra room for the picture. I think it says it next to the attachment button.
In the reply dialogue, there is a form to attach a file. Hit "Browse," then choose the file from a location on your hard drive. Next, when the file name is showing in the box, hit "upload." You will not be able to see the image until you submit the entire post.
You can probably use a picture width of about 500 pixels and still fit in the message pane without the need to scroll left and right. As you can see, your photo is well below the upload limit.