Uuuuuhhhhh.... I think I'll just stay out of it this time..... ;-)

larkmark wrote:

Yeah. All these landowners are getting sick of the constant year round pounding and dealing with entitled fishermen.

CodorusTUTom wrote:

or 2) guys can keep posting about it, pushing back and getting under his skin - then sit back and watch while he posts his entire property,...

tomgamber wrote:

Then again, some goofball could have told him he had "no right" to do something ... It is his property.
ColdBore wrote:
Uuuuuhhhhh.... I think I'll just stay out of it this time..... ;-)

tomgamber wrote:

Then again, some goofball could have told him he had "no right" to do something ... It is his property.

i think since you actually removed words and chopped up what i actually wrote you are already in it. Would be curious to know what you are trying to say by literally and physically taking my words out of context.
I was referring back to a previous thread about posting land.

I included "...." to show that the quote was clipped, I didn't try to hide it.

I included a ;-)

And if you didn't get the whole point of my post, it doesn't matter.
The last time I got into a discussion of posted property, and why more of it becomes posted, I seemed to ruffle some feathers.

Trespassing and posting land

BTW, I was actually agreeing with what you said when I pulled your little quote above.
I would like to flyfish Codorus but never have. I saw some trophy trout signs along Krafts Mill road today. I also saw an access point by a saw mill of some type. Is this stretch the best place to jump in? Can someone give me some good access points? Thanks!
The locations around the sawmill are good but it is posted not far upstream
Can anyone be more specific about this newly posted stretch beyond that it’s upstream from Thoman Drive? I fish this area regularly and don’t want to disrespect the landowner.
The stream behind my house is a Class A Trophy Trout Stream. WHAT A JOKE. Great idea for the folks that practice catch and release only (like myself), but terrible idea for the community. When I was a child parents would go together and chip in and stock the stream with trout for opening day. This would give the local kids a place to walk or ride their bike to go fishing for weeks to come. This went on for years (70's and 80's) and then some of our locals pushed to have it designated Trophy Trout Waters. Good idea to protect the waters, but bad idea for our kids. I fish the stream at least 15 times per year (different sections) and haven't caught anything over 10 inches. I hooked one big fish last year and wasn't able to land him. He was probably 14, maybe 16 inches. I also own the property on both sides of a part of this stream and never once through about posting it. I sometimes have to pick up a few pieces of litter, but I guess I am willing to do that knowing that I have a trout stream in my backyard. The 15 minutes a year I do this is well worth it. I would like to see some stocking for this stream in the spring and maybe only allow youth to keep the fish. Maybe a slot limit during April/May and allow the youth to keep some. I know we can't please everyone, but it seems like for years we have gone out of our way to please some, but have only recently been trying to keep our youth interested in the sport.
I know where you live and that stream has not been good in a long time. The last time I thought it fished decent was in the 90s. Back then, there were bigger fish and more of them. Now, it is 7-10" fish, and it isn't the easiest stream to fish when you are literally walking on top of fish given the massive undercuts there. I live 20 mins from there, and haven't fished it in at least 10 years. It really isn't appealing to me and I would be in favor of doing something different there if it resulted in a better fishery that more could benefit from.
Rockfish - check your PMs.
I know where you live and that stream has not been good in a long time. The last time I thought it fished decent was in the 90s. Back then, there were bigger fish and more of them. Now, it is 7-10" fish, and it isn't the easiest stream to fish when you are literally walking on top of fish given the massive undercuts there. I live 20 mins from there, and haven't fished it in at least 10 years. It really isn't appealing to me and I would be in favor of doing something different there if it resulted in a better fishery that more could benefit from.

I would like to see an area for kids and veterans or even a small handicap platform put in. I don't think it would get a lot of use but I do think the kids in the community would benefit from it.
I’ve only been fishing it a bit over a year now but I’d disagree with your assessment. My sister has property on the Gunpowder and I’ve pretty much given up fishing it (at least in summer because of tubers) and drive past it to fish Codorus. I think it’s fish tend to run a little bigger than the GP’s too
@Rockfish...Mattwolf and I are talking about a stream in Clinton County, PA not the Codorus. It's been ages since I fished Codorus last, but when I did, it had a small population of wild rainbows which really made things interesting.
Ah, I misunderstood. That bit about the bows is interesting though sadly, I think a thing of the past. I’ve prob caught a couple hundred trout there and all were browns. I did hear a few years ago there was a massive flood that changed the stream quite a bit. I wonder if that was too much for the rainbows. A shame as there’s darned few places that hold decent reproducing populations of wild rainbows
I've never caught and it's the first I've heard of wild rainbows on Codorus
@Lazlo...Plug this in:

Mike K. can definitely chime in more as well as I know he is keenly aware of Codorus' history. See page 19 "Improving Fishery":

Rest assured, the rainbows are long gone and the window for catching some was fairly small based on my experience on the stream going back to 1990.
Wild_Trouter wrote:
@Rockfish...Mattwolf and I are talking about a stream in Clinton County, PA not the Codorus. It's been ages since I fished Codorus last, but when I did, it had a small population of wild rainbows which really made things interesting.

I am actually referring to a stream in Centre County.
Mattwolf...You're right...we're referring to the same stream though. Clinton County line is just a few miles up the road. I'm getting old :lol:
Thanks. That was some interesting reading