
Feb 12, 2012
Was fishing Codorus just above the double bridge yesterday. Looks like new posted signs on the left side,going upstream, and on the center of the big fallen tree across the stream. I stayed on the right side . Hope it can still be accessed.,49088,flat.html

One thing I can tell you is according to the York County Parcel Map, every parcel of land along the Codorus & West Branch of the Codorus from the sawmill on up covers both sides of the creek.

That means there isn't any place where you could LEGALLY fish one side to the middle of the creek but not the other. In other words, if there are only signs on one side, it's because the landowner didn't feel like crossing the creek to put up signs on the other side.
Double bridge? I can alert the acting AFM but will need a better description. He is about 130 mi from there.
The posted signs are On the Trophy Trout section just upstream of Thoman Drive, just North of Porters Sideling.
Yeah. All these landowners are getting sick of the constant year round pounding and dealing with entitled fishermen.
The land ownership situation in regards to who owns what on which side of the creek is pretty much the same from Thoman Drive upstream to Brown Road with only a few feet of creek that is split between two owners.

As Mike suggested, it would probably be a good idea for the AFM or somebody else from the PFBC to figure out what's the deal is and revise the TT boundaries accordingly or drop it entirely.
Atticus:Thanks for the additional details.

Bamboozle, I have no influence in this regard anymore, but your comment about dropping the special regs is something that came to my mind after the last posting discussion that should probably be investigated and possibly considered (by the AFM and WCO, as well as Codorus TU) based on the outcome. I think the handwriting is on the wall though regarding continuing losses of open water. The agency has had less problems with posting in the stocked trout section over the decades than in the special reg area!!! Meanwhile, Tom makes a good point below.

Landowners would probably see less if not much less pressure if special regs were removed, although convincing them of that might be difficult. The PFBC wild trout angler use and harvest study showed low use on 200 randomly selected wild trout streams statewide, however, and that could be presented to them.
First of all, the same landowner does indeed own both sides of the creek in the posted area, so for now it's off limits. This just happened within the past week and the reason isn't known just yet. From our (Codorus TU's) relationship with this landowner, we see this going one of two ways: 1) it's a relatively short section of stream - we can respect his right to post his own property and simply fish somewhere else for now or 2) guys can keep posting about it, pushing back and getting under his skin - then sit back and watch while he posts his entire property, which is huge. This is likely to be unrelated to fishing, or he would've posted his whole parcel - let's keep it that way by not pressuring. I'm also nearly certain that having the PFBC contacting him will not end well. Rest assured that the best thing everyone can do, at least for now, is to back off and urge others to do so as well. Sorry, but just like any other private property - his land, his decision. Feel free to PM me with questions - there's a good chance I can get you an answer.
or 3) he might just not want a lot of strangers wandering near his property during a Pandemic. Just a thought. Maybe he'll take em down when it cools off. Then again, some goofball could have told him he had "no right" to do something and is making a point. Either way its a shame. It is his property.
My question, why would the state put fish in a portion of a stream if the landowner can keep anyone from fishing there? What sense does that make? Seems as if the landowner has his own private state stocked stream.
The state doesn't put any fish there. It has been a Class 'A' wild trout stream for decades. And to my knowledge, the landowner's family doesn't fish there.
Post #4 said that signs are in the Trophy Trout area. That would mean the state does in fact stock it. Are we talking about different posted areas?
joebamboo wrote:
Post #4 said that signs are in the Trophy Trout area. That would mean the state does in fact stock it.

Trophy Trout only means artificials only with a limit of two per day, minimum size 14". It doesn't mean stocked.
Are any Trophy Trout Special Reg sections stocked?

I know of 4 off the top of my head and all are Class A and NOT stocked.
Fish and Boat will continue the Keystone Select Stocked Trout program, in which sections of 23 streams statewide are managed until mid-June under catch-and-release Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only regulations. Those waters are stocked with 14- to 20-inchers at a rate of 175 to 225 fish per mile, in addition to the creek’s regular stockings. This year, more stocked trout of that size will be available to everyone.
joebamboo wrote:
Fish and Boat will continue the Keystone Select Stocked Trout program, in which sections of 23 streams statewide are managed until mid-June under catch-and-release Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only regulations. Those waters are stocked with 14- to 20-inchers at a rate of 175 to 225 fish per mile, in addition to the creek’s regular stockings. This year, more stocked trout of that size will be available to everyone.

But those are different than Trophy Trout waters.
Not according to this: Keystone Select program brings trout 14-20 inches to select streams

Through a new trophy trout program labeled the Keystone Select Stocked Trout Program the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission stocks 14 streams across the state with trout measuring 14-20 inches in length.

The average size of trout stocked by the commission in most of the 720 streams and 120 lakes for the general trout fishing seasons waters is 11 inches.

Compiled by Marcus Schneck |
I just may be confused. Are Trophy Trout Streams not the same as Keystone Select?
joebamboo wrote:
I just may be confused. Are Trophy Trout Streams not the same as Keystone Select?

Trophy Trout and Keystone Select trophy trout are two different special regulation areas.